OSCE Mission confident the Karabakh people have not inflamed their o

OSCE Mission confident the Karabakh people have not inflamed their own forests

21.07.2006 13:18

On July 20, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Masis Mayilian received Field Assistant of Personal Representative
of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office (PRC-i-O) Gunter Folk.

During the meeting Mr. Folk delivered NKR Deputy Foreign Minister
a report of the Office of the OSCE PRC-i-O on inflammations at the
contact-line of Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh armed forces.

As it was informed before on June 15, 2006, the NKR Ministry of
Foreign Affairs addressed the Office of the Personal Representative
of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office with a request to conduct a monitoring
at the border with Azerbaijan for estimating the situation and making
certain of the strained accusations of Baku on the alleged burnings
of the adjoining settlements on the territories controlled by the
Nagorno Karabakh Republic. On July 3-5 the OSCE Mission conducted a
series of observations at the boundary zone. A corresponding report
was prepared in the result of the monitoring.

At present the document is being studied at the NKR Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and one can already assert that the OSCE mission did not reveal
any facts of damage caused by fire to the settlements, situated in
the NKR security zone, as the Azerbaijani side tried to present.