Eurowagen Company Plans To Increase Volkswagen Sales In Armenia


Yerevan, July 24. ArmInfo. Volkswagen’s dealer in Armenia, Eurowagen,
is planning to increase Volkswagen sales in Armenia this year,
says the head of the communication cooperation department Mikayel
Minassyan. He did not give specific figures.

He said that last year the sales exceeded plans – 100 cars. 60-70% of
them were Premium, Touareg, Passat, Golf – all with 2-year guarantee.

At the same time, the "Armenian mentality" prefers second-hand
luxurious Mersedes E, BMW 5 or 7, TOYOTA to new smaller economy cars
for the same $12,000-17,000.

This year Eurowagen has delivered just 10 second-hand 6-month guarantee
cars worth $6,000-15,000. In cooperation with Armeconom and Anelik
banks the company provides cars on an instalment basis. In Anelik Bank
the prepayment is 20%, the interest 15% a year, the credit period 4
years. Minassyan says that because of climatic conditions the company
imports into Armenia only 20-22 of 87 possible Volkswagen models.

He says that today Eurowagen is building a new office. 80% of
exterior and 20% of interior is ready. The company has spent $1.6
mln on the project from its profits. The building will be opened by
Mar 5 2007. Besides, the company has built its own wharehouse for
storing 14,000 original spare parts and accessories. Now there are
5,000 spare parts stored there.

Minassyan says that in the future Eurowagen will start producing
spare parts and cars on its own.

Minassyan says that cars in Armenia are gradually becoming not only
a means of transportation but a cult and lifestyle which is proved
by the abundance of tuning companies.

Eurowagen has been working in Armenia since Mar 2004. It was selected
by Volkswagen from among 10 applicants. According to the contract,
Volkswagen should provide cars ad German now-how, Eurowagen –
maintenance building and show-room.

The National Statistical Service of Armenia reports that in Jan-May
2006 car trade in Armenia totalled 27 bln AMD ($60 mln) out of the
total trade worth 349.8 bln AMD ($779.9 mln).

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS