BAKU: Keeping Goran Lennmarker on reporter position for NK will not

Keeping Goran Lennmarker on reporter position for Nagorno-Karabakh
will not change anything – Azeri PM

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
July 31, 2006

The chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Goran Lennmarker’s
remaining on the position of reporter for Nagorno-Karabakh will
not bring benefit or damage to Azerbaijan, Fazil Gazanfaroglu, the
member of Azerbaijani delegation in PA OSCE and the chairman of Great
Establishment Party, told Trend.

Yesterday, the official member of PA OSCE Andreas Baker announced
that together with position of chairman of the Assembly, Goran
Lennmarker will fulfill the mission of reporter on Nagorno-Karabakh.

Lannmarker was elected the chairman of the Assembly during the summer
session of PA OSCE held in Brussels.

Gazanfaroglu stressed that Lennmarker’s fulfilling the mission of
reporter on Nagorno-Karabakh will not have any impact on the process.

"Because the report developed by Lennmarker regarding Nagorno-Karabakh
didn’t satisfy the sides. Therefore, the fact that he again assumed
this mission isn’t of importance. Because the report that was prepared
before and will be prepared will not be presented to the discussion of
the Assembly without agreeing between the sides," Gazanfaroglu added.

Besides, the deputy pointed out that as Lennmarker is well familiar
with Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, he considered that there is no need
to appoint new reporter. Therefore, he decided continuing the mission.