Armenian Political Parties Share Concerns

16:47 16/08/06

Several political parties, which consider themselves as close in ideas,
gathered today at a round table to share their concerns. All parties
unanimously are concerned with the possibility to conduct free and
fair elections. They are also troubled by the existence of criminal
elements in the political field.

"Our important concerns are the cirminalization of the political
life, and active work of secret agencies," Paruyr Hairikyan, National
Self-Determination Union head, stated. Hairikyan referred to Russian
oligarch Deripaska as saying, "We have bought all Armenian political
parties. Those, which are not bought, are morally killed."

The member of Democratic Party is sure that the authorities will
exert pressures on the opposition, including financial pressures. He
is sure that the existing power wants to re-produce itself.

Orinats Yerkir Party Vice Chairman Mher Shahgeldyan reminded that
the upcoming elections should be around ideas and programs and not
for the sake of small group and individual interests.