BAKU: Address By President Of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev


AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Sept 11 2006

Esteemed guests,

Esteemed Ministers,

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am very glad to welcome you to Azerbaijan.

The events of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) held
in Azerbaijan further strengthening relations between the country
and the organization. We are trying to be a very active member of the
organization, take part in all of its events, and are the initiators
of some of them. This is the second gathering of the Organization of
the Islamic Conference in Baku. The first one, which brought together
Ministers of Foreign Affairs, was marked by making very useful and
important decisions. Today, Azerbaijan is hosting the Session of
the Tourism Ministers. This event in itself shows that Azerbaijan
is very active in the organization and seeks to contribute to its
strengthening. The Organization of the Islamic Conference is that
uniting the Islamic world. It pleases us very much that international
influence and the role of the organization is growing every year
because nowadays, solidarity and unity of the Muslim countries take
on special significance. Our historical and cultural ties, as well
as political interests are of great importance. Our joint responses
to the existing challenges, our attitude to the critical situations,
and developments in hot spots across the globe, have essential impact
on the processes taking place worldwide.

Strengthening of our organization, the Organization of the Islamic
Conference, will strengthen our positions, bring our views on the
region and the world even closer, and thus, increase our influence
on the processes taking place around the world. This is what we want,
and this is what the OIC’s events in Azerbaijan are aimed at.

At the same time, the Islamic tourism ministers’ get-together in
Azerbaijan is a kind of presentation of Azerbaijan, because the
country is the young independent state. It has been only 15 years
since we lived as an independent state, and we still have a great
need for popularization of our country. I know the vast majority of
the ministers are for the first time in Azerbaijan, and I believe
that their familiarization with our country will create a good basis
for further cementing our relations.

What we want, and what we seek is to deepen the existing cooperation
with all the member-countries of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference. This, of course, is the aim of holding such events in

Azerbaijan is rapidly developing in both political and economical
areas. The processes taking place in Azerbaijan, the processes taking
place in the region further strengthening of our country. Last year’s
economic growth in Azerbaijan was 26 percent, and has reached 36
percent only for six months of this year. It enables us to have
our financial possibilities increased, and the problems facing the
republic solved successfully. We intend to develop all sectors of
the economy, and undoubtedly, a great attention is being paid to
the tourism one. In a word, the yearly growing economy of Azerbaijan
creates a very good basis for all-round development of our country.

At the same time, unfortunately, no solution has been found to the
longstanding Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the source
of the greatest danger for Azerbaijan and the whole region.

The Armenian military aggression against Azerbaijan and the policy
of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis have led to occupation of
20 percent of our lands. Because of the occupation and the policy
of ethnic cleansing, over million of Azerbaijanis became internally
displaced. This is not only a humanitarian catastrophe; it is a great
injustice, and violation by Armenia of all the international legal
norms. Various international organizations have adopted respective
resolutions on this conflict. The United Nations Organization adopted
four resolutions demanding unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian
armed forces from the occupied territories. However, Armenia has
been ignoring the resolutions. In the beginning of the last year,
the Council of Europe adopted the similar resolution recognizing
Armenia as an aggressor. The Organization of the Islamic Conference,
as always, supports the fair position of Azerbaijan overtly demanding,
in its resolutions and decisions, putting an end to the aggressive
policy of Armenia. However, no solution has been found to the
conflict. Azerbaijan was subjected to the policy of ethnic cleansing,
and experienced a number of terrorist attacks killing over two thousand
of our compatriots.

Today is September 11, and all of you remember well the horrible
terrorist attacks on the United States of America. Innocent people were
killed, and today we are commemorating them. The Muslim world condemned
those horrible attacks, and today, our joint efforts also include
the fight against terror. All the efforts should be consolidated to
withstand terrorism. One cannot fight this threat alone.

Azerbaijan is ready to contribute to this business, and is doing
that. There is one more point that is always raised at the meetings
of the Organization of the Islamic Conference: some forces attempt to
identify terror with Islam. It must not be allowed. Those who identify
terror with Islam, deliberately or not, thereby carry out aggression
against our religion. Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. We
want to live in peace and stability with representatives of all other
religions, and we will achieve it.

Therefore, there are a lot of economic, political and cultural issues,
challenges in the organization to cover. I am convinced that the more
often we meet the more progress we achieve.

Cooperation between member-states of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference should be more intensive. We have very good cooperation
in political sphere, and the cultural ties we are bound by make a
great contribution to it. In the economic sphere, there is a need
for closer cooperation. Our countries have huge economic potential,
and I think encouragement and support of mutual trade should occupy
its place in the economic policy of each member.

Today’s conference deals with the cooperation in the tourism sector,
and short film demonstrated today here presented tourism opportunities
in Azerbaijan. There is very beautiful nature, nine climatic zones,
over 800-km coastal zone in our country. Therefore, Azerbaijan has
every condition for tourism development. We pay a great attention to
this sector now. Much investment will be made to boost the tourism
infrastructure. Besides, country’s infrastructure is being completely
renewed since there is a need to create infrastructure objects –
roads, airports and others – for developing tourism.

I can say that three new international airports are being built in the
west, south and north of the country although its territory is not so
big. Three new airports, which are up to the international standards,
will serve as a tool for the development of tourism. Motor roads are
being rapidly built, including rural roads and highways.

New roads are being built in the outlying villages to facilitate the
locals’ movement and, at the same time, create good conditions for
tourists. New modern hotels are scheduled to be built both in Baku
and Azerbaijani regions.

In a word, government does its best to have infrastructure projects
implemented for developing tourism. At the same time, the private
sector must take this opportunity to create new modern tourism
infrastructure objects.

Today, I would like to avail myself an opportunity to call on the
companies and government agencies of OIC member countries to benefit
from tourism opportunities in Azerbaijan, as this sector will develop
very rapidly in Azerbaijan; a great amount of foreign investments
are scheduled flow in the country. We would like representatives of
friendly and brotherly countries to operate in this sector. Tourism
is a culture and, of course, a great sector of the economy. At the
same time, it’s a factor uniting our countries because the fact that
people arrive in various countries, familiarize themselves with the
countries’ situation, historical monuments makes member countries of
the organization closer. Of course, political links are important and
they exist. I told of the economic relations and believe that they
will unite OIC member countries even more. Furthermore, people will
get closer to each other if tourism opportunities are taken. There
is much need in it.

I want to say that we have very rich shared history, culture; there
is Islamic religion uniting us. The more people communicate with each
other the better it will be for us, the stronger Islamic world will
become, the more accomplishments the Organization of the Islamic
Conference will achieve; and, as a whole, the world will develop
more comprehensively.

The Islamic world is a very big power. We have to effectively use
this power. Islamic world plays a key role in restoring global peace,
security, and this role is increasing. We all have to try to strengthen
relations uniting the Islamic nations and reinforce our positions even
more. Taking all the matters into consideration, I want to reiterate
that the fact that session of the Islamic Conference tourism ministers
is held in Azerbaijan is of great significance for us. I once more
welcome all the visitors, thank you for coming to Azerbaijan and wish
every success to the conference.

Thank you.


Then the meeting was addressed by Chairman of the 4th session of
Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers, Senegal’s Minister of
Tourism and Air Transport Ousmane Massek Ndiaye, Secretary General
of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu,
Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization
Francesco Frangialli and Azerbaijan’s Minister of Culture and Tourism
Abulfaz Qarayev.


Afterwards, President Ilham Aliyev and session participants
familiarized themselves with the exhibition of photographs presented
in the "Azerbaijan – 2006 tourism world" photo contest, in Gulustan


After the break, the tourism ministers continued the discussions
behind the closed doors.


On behalf of President Ilham Aliyev, the reception in honor of tourism
ministers of OIC member countries was given September 11 at the Baku
Entertainment Center.


The conference will be continued on September 12.