Kocharian meets businessmen


June 8 2004

YEREVAN, JUNE 8, ARMENPRESS: President Kocharian met today with around
three dozens of entrepreneurs, representing small and medium-sized
businesses. He was quoted by his press office as saying that a lot
has been done since their previous such meeting towards improvement
of the field and seeking solutions to concrete problems.

Underscoring the need of such meetings president Kocharian noted that
they provide a good opportunity to get a better picture about the
state of things in this sector, about the problems and hindrances
and about what can be done to eliminate them.

Speaking about general trends in this area, Kocharian underlined the
contribution of small and medium-sized businesses in the overall 2003
GDP that amounted to 38 percent, which he said was ” a serious figure,
meaning that small and medium-sized businesses are gradually standing
on their feet.” Kocharian also vowed his assistance to businessmen in
overcoming many still existing problems they face in their everyday

During the meeting an array of issues that can help further
strengthen this branch of economy was discussed by the president and
businessmen. Thus, many of businessmen pointed to their problems in
hiring staff, emphasizing the restoration of vocational education.

Concluding the meeting Kocharian said all raised questions will be
summarized and ways of their solutions will be discussed and specific
instructions will be issued.