Turkish Cyber Army Hijacks Dutch Websites

By Vladimir van Wilgenburg

Kurdish Media, UK
Oct 4 2006

Logo NRC handelsblad

According to the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, a Turkish group
called "Ayyildiz Team" hacked various Dutch websites. This includes
the Kurdish website Azady.nl. The Dutch newspaper gives a deeper
insight to the Turkish hacker gang.

Turkish hackers hacked the website of an Organisation Against Pointless
Violence (Zinloosgeweld.nl) and a Dutch Chess Union. On these websites,
they published pro-Turkish slogans. They also virtually burned Dutch
flags on these websites.

The hackers demonstrated on this way, against the removal of Turkish
politicians of candidate lists following their refusal to recognize
the Armenian genocide. The three ethnic Turks were removed by the CDA
(Christian Democratic Party), Dutch Social Democrat Workers’ Party

This resulted into hot-headed discussions and condemnation from the
Turkish government.

The Ayyildiz Delta Team is named after the Turkish flag, which
consists of a moon and a star. This is probable the same organization
as the hackers group Ay Yildiz Tim. According to their own website,
this is "Turkey’s one and only cyber army". "The battle for the
fatherland continues!", according to the organisation. The team has
a militaristic organisationform with a top general. He leads generals
that lead different operations.

Ayyildiz’s mission is to fight against "every form of attack on the
Turkish republic. They also attack websites that threaten the Turkish
unity, Islam or websites that has a pornographic or satanic background.

websites that are "useful for the Turkish nation" are supported. If
the direction of Ayyildiz finds it necessary, then they will also
react with "violence" against "verbal and physical attacks" against
Turkey. They also attack Kurdish websites.

Because of the "secret character" of the organisation, the team refuses
contacts with the press. However, earlier before they published a book
about their organisation. They try to sell this book on police stations
and police schools in Turkey. The European department operates from
the French city Lyon. Nevertheless, it is unclear if the organisation
has a Dutch branch reported the NRC.

According to my own information, the website Ayyildiz currently
targets various Kurdish websites like Kurdistanobserver and others.

Recently the website of the Kurdish independent newspaper Hawlati
was hacked two times.

The hackers organisation also did an interview on a Turkish TV-station
and some Kurds say that the hackers group have ties with the Turkish

Before the hack of Azady.nl, they received a threat in an e-mail for
spreading "lies and propaganda against Turks". After this e-mail
the website was hacked. According to NRC Handelsblad the members
administration was lost in this Turkish attack. However, they did not
report about the database changes and the modification of the website
into Turkish. It seems that there are Turkish hackers operating from
Holland and from Turkey against Dutch websites.

According to the Turkish daily Hurriyet the hackers include students
and bank security experts in their ranks. Although most are males,
females are also encountered among them. They range between 18 and
35 years in age.

Prior to every operation, teams of dozens of experts are formed,
and these people create among themselves a virtual hierarchy with
virtual ranks, such as colonel and lieutenant colonel. Each person
has his own duties.

This confirms the views expressed in the article of NRC Handelsblad.

When the war was raging between Israel and Hizbollah, there was
a wave of political hacks. This also seems the case with Turkish
political hacks.

The newly achieved Kurdish autonomy in South-Kurdistan and the fights
between PKK rebels and the Turkish state, feeds the motivation of
Turkish extremist hackers. One could expect more attacks against
Kurdish websites in the future. In Holland, one can get a one-year
jail sentence for hacking websites. The Dutch website Zinloosgeweld.nl
wanted to take legal steps, but since the Turkish hackers mostly
operate from Turkey, this is fruitless. The only way you can prevent
attacks, is by protecting and updating your website regularly.


Azady.nl returns after hacked by Turkish gang Netherlands fanclub site
hacked by Turkish activists Hackers claim the Turkish security forces
are in co-operation with them Homepage of Ayyildiz TIM Egoowners.com

Source: NRC Handelsblad, Azady.nl

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS