BAKU: NATO seeking new ways of settlement of NK conflict

[June 14, 2004, 21:12:25]

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
June 14 2004

On June 13, Minister of Defense of the Azerbaijan Republic
colonel-general Safar Abiyev has met the deputy secretary general of
the NATO on science, environment and public diplomacy Mr. Jean Furne.

As was informed to AzerTAj from the press service of the Ministry
of Defense, colonel-general S. Abiyev has congratulated the visitor
on the beginning in Azerbaijan of the week of “Summer School” of
NATO and that he heads the representative delegation consisting of
representatives of 26 states.

In detail having informed the visitor about the successes achieved
by our country after gaining of independence, about the history,
the reasons and consequences of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict,
the Minister has noted, that, despite of all these difficulties,
our republic successfully continues integration into the European
structures of safety, cooperation with the Council of Europe,
the European Union and within the framework of the program of the
NATO “Partnership for Peace” Program. The Minister has especially
emphasized participation of Azerbaijan in more than 300 actions,
spent annually by the NATO, active preparation of our country for
doctrines “Cooperative Best Effort-04 ” and to the Istanbul summit.

Having expressed to the Minister of Defense gratitude for warm
reception, chief negotiator J. Furne has noted, that carrying out in
Baku the week of “Summer School”, certainly, will renders positive
influence on all-around development of relations of Azerbaijan and
the NATO. Meetings of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with
the secretary general of NATO and ambassadors of other countries
during the visit to Brussels were very interesting and important.
Azerbaijan is one of the first states, which have presented in the
NATO the “Plan of activity on individual cooperation”.

The visitor has in detail informed colonel-general S. Abiyev on the
department he leads in the NATO.

Colonel-general S. Abiyev has in details dwelt on relations of
Azerbaijan and the NATO, had comprehensive exchange of views on
existing in the region of Southern Caucasus of the military-political
situation, large-scale economic projects carried out in our republic
and their safety, has noted, that Armenia till now has not executed
the requirement of the United Nations of four resolutions adopted by
Security Council on the unconditional withdrawal of occupational forces
from the Azerbaijan lands. Besides, joining the “PfP” program of the
NATO, Armenia has taken obligation about recognition of territorial
integrity of partner states. The NATO can demand from it performance
of the given obligations.

Occupation of a part of the Azerbaijan lands by Armenia is the
fact, which cannot be denied. Therefore, we are surprised that
the international public till now has not recognized Armenia as a
state-aggressor. It speaks about the approach to settlement of the
conflict from a position of double standards.

Having thanked colonel-general S. Abiyev for the stated position of
principle, Mr. J. Furne has told: “We in the NATO perfectly know
about everything, that you spoke, and are looking for new ways of
settlement of the conflict”.

In conclusion, colonel-general S. Abiyev has wished successes to the
NATO forthcoming week in Azerbaijan.