Karapetyan Still Has Questions About The Crash


[07:05 pm] 25 October, 2006

The RA authorities try to consign to oblivion the May 3 crash of
airplane A-320, leader of New Times party Aram Karapetyan claims.

The leader of New Times party announced today that he is going to
ask a number of questions to RA Public Prosecutor Aghvan Hovsepyan in
order to find out which one of the versions of the crash circulating
in Armenia and Russia correspond to the reality.

Aram Karapetyan himself has his sources in the National Security
Service. According to his sources, the first telegram received by
the Armenian Aviation Service immediately after the crash was the
following, "It disappeared from the radar screen". One question to
Aghvan Hovsepyan is: "Did they pay attention to the fact that this
expression is used when the plane explodes?"

The specialists with whom Mr. Karapetyan talked claimed that the
content of the telegram does not exclude the possibility of explosion.

The second question: Did the criminal grouping in the plane try to
force the pilots to make a landing in Sochi and not to return to
Yerevan? Was the pilot beaten up? Aghvan Hovsepyan also has to answer
if there was much money, gold and precious stones on board. He must
also answer why the plane did not return to Yerevan when the Sochi
dispatcher warned that it was impossible to land. Who forced the
pilot not to obey the warning of the dispatcher?

Aram Karapetyan also wonders if the workers of the airport security
service checked the luggage of the VIP passengers. In case they
did, were there weapons or explosives there? Are the protocols of
check-ups kept?

It is true that the International Aviation Committee took only six
of the necessary 40 parameters from the French?

These were the main questions which according to Aram Karapetyan
could pour light on the reasons of the May 3 air crash.

By the way, Mr. Karapetyan’s source in the National Security Service
also informed him that once in every three months a similar plane
takes a luggage of gold and drugs to Sochi. It also informed that
the Armenian A-320 plane which burnt in a hangar in Brussels a day
later contained the whole technical pack concerning the crashed plane.