"New Threats And Global Challenges In The 21st Century" Internationa


Noyan Tapan
Oct 31 2006

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 31, NOYAN TAPAN. Ways of solution of the problems
arisen before Armenia and the region will be discussed during the
international two-day conference entitled "New Threats and Global
Challenges in the 21st Century" being held in Yerevan. The conference
is organized by the Yerevan Office of the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), according to the characterization
of the head of which, Ambassador Vladimir Pryakhin, today the main
problem of the Armenians and whole mankind is unification of the
intellectual potential as it will be possible to stand challenges
of the 21st century only in this way." As military-political expert
Richard Kirakosian stated on October 31, the first working day of
the conference, there is no such a country in the world which will be
able to alone solve the three main problems arisen at present before
the mankind: globalization, information revolution, anti-terrorism
struggle. In his words, "in our days countries need more cooperation,
less competition." In R.Kirakosian’s words, Armenia must overcome first
of all the inner problems connected with stimulation of the demographic
growth, keeping of natural resources, development of science and
technics as well as implementation of democratic government. As
R.Kirakosian emphasized the first precondition for political just
elections is presence of political will. Tigran Sargsian, the President
of the RA Central Bank also emphasized the importance of increase of
efficiency of government. He mentioned that according to data of the
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, there are 7 problems the modern
world is interested in, and the first of them relates to efficiency
of government. Other problems, as T.Sargsian presented, relate to
liquidation of poverty, creation of working places, struggle againts
terrorism arisen on the basis of Islamism, etc. According to foresight
of the RA CB President, world processes will develop either one-pole,
by the U.S. hegemony, or with some poles, U.S., China, India, created
as a result of the dialogue of civilizations. In the second case,
in T.Sargsian’s words, Armenia must orient which civilization it
belongs to or present itself as a bearer of a separate civilization.