Ilham Aliev’s Policy Concerning The Question Of Armenia Is Fully In


03.11.2006 GMT+04:00

Matthew Braisa: "The President of Azerbaijan can say whatever he wants;
we are not going to comment on any of his statements"

The only obstacle for the continuation of the negotiations and for the
achievement of the success in the settlement is the absence of trust
between the nations. Absolutely everybody speaks about it, including
EU, OSCE, and the co-chairmen countries of MG OSCE in the adjustment
of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict. And exactly in that question the
whole world is powerless. The reason is not the unwillingness of
the Armenian side to carry on a normal dialogue as it is the way of
putting up the things in Azerbaijan but in the idea carried on by
Ilham Aliev about the total isolation of Armenia.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Sometimes it even seems that the president of
Azerbaijan has lost his sense of reality and proportion and he thinks
that if Azerbaijan still lives in the feudal Middle Ages then the rest
of the world has the same idea as he has -to annihilate the Armenia
that dares to stand on the way of the "Great Azerbaijan". We can
only guess what the reactions of the political figures and world-wide
mass media towards these statements are, since the Azerbaijan press
comes breathless with delight from their president’s openness at
the time when the other countries keep absolute silence. We can
suppose that this silence is not a mark of consent but just an
unwillingness to comment on this absurdity. Matthew Braisa from the
USA in the framework of MG OSCE reacted best of all to junior Aliev:
"The president of Azerbaijan can say whatever he wants; we are not
going to comment on his statements".

Ilham Aliev will fail to drive Armenia at a deadlock and to become
"the second national leader’ by the example of his father for a
variety of reasons. The main cause that he, being just the image of
his father, makes statements that match only for a tribal princeling
with excessively developed ambitions. By the way, Haydar Aliev will
never let himself to make such statements. He treated the question
more seriously; the unfounded statements were not enough for him,
but he paid the mass media for reports in the favor of Azerbaijan. It
was the way during the war of Karabagh. And later in Moscow and not
only there the matter was quickly taken under control and they began
writing and showing what was really going on. Making the impact of
the Armenian lobby greater, roughlyspeaking Azerbaijan doubts the
common sense of the whole world.

The fact that Ilham Aliev’s policy in the matter of Armenia is driven
at a deadlock is clearly known in Baku. They also know that not the
Azerbaijanis can become impatient, as by the highest standards nothing
matters to them but the world community can lose the patience. Ilham
Aliev’s hopes concerning the political dividends from the oil-pipe line
can not become the very truncheon with the help of which the Armenians
of Karabagh can be "pacified". To put it mildly, these dividends are
more like soap bubbles, as judging by the words of American expert
Richarg Giragosyan, the value of the oil-pipe line Baku-Tbilisi-Ghehyan
turns to be in the direct dependence on Kazakhstan. That is to say
if tomorrow Nursultan Nazarbaev decides that there is no point to
support Azerbaijan than he will just turn off the tap. And it will
mean the end of Aliev’s flow of the oil dollars. And if we add onto
all this the steady slump in oil prices then Azerbaijan will appear
in difficult straits. The oil in Caspian Sea makes 3% of the world
wide explored reserves; in the Middle East it makes 63%. It is a
simple arithmetic-Azerbaijan can not be seriously perceived by the
USA and Europe as one of the leading suppliers of hydrocarbons. And
it means that the political influence of that country is in the direct
dependence on that very 3%.

"PanARMENIAN.Net" analytical department