BAKU: PACE summer session started

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
June 22 2004

[June 22, 2004, 19:32:46]

Head of Azerbaijan delegation made report on activity of the PACE
Bureau at the session

As the correspondent of AzerTAj reported, the group of deputies
headed by the head of delegation of Azerbaijan in Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe, chairman of standing commission of
Milli Majlis on international relations and inter-parliamentary links
Samad Seyidov has arrived in the city of Strasbourg to take part in
summer session of the structure.

The summer session of pace commenced on June 21. In first half of
day, session of the Bureau of structure and assembly has taken place
in political groups. At session of the Bureau the agenda of session
has been finally discussed, the exchange of opinions on participation
of the Turkish community of Cyprus in the PACE both in its committees
and on other questions has taken place. The member of Bureau Samad
Seyidov in discussion of the Cyprian question has supported the
position of brotherly Turkey.

In the second half of day, the agenda of session was approved. It
includes: “Euro and the expanded Europe”, “Elections on the post of
the Secretary General of the Council of Europe”, “Observation by
Turkey of the obligations “, ” Fulfillment by Turkey of decisions of
the European Court on human rights”, “Contribution of the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the development of Central
and Eastern Europe”, “Fulfillment by Bosnia and Herzegovina of the
obligations; evolution and further development of democratic
institutes in this country”, “Role of women in conflict preventing
and settlement of conflicts”, “Possible monopolies of electronic
media in Italy and malfeasance”, “All-European interdiction of
corporal punishment of children”, “Position of refugees and IDPs in
the Russian Federation and a number of CIS countries”, “Water
resources management in Europe” and other questions.

At session, MP Samad Seyidov has made report on the work done, since
April session by the Bureau before the summer session. The Azerbaijan
deputy has in detail informed on the next assembly of chairmen of the
European parliaments, carried out by PACE on May 17-19 in Strasbourg,
about the meetings of chairmen of parliaments of Azerbaijan, Georgia,
Armenia with participation of chairman the PACE held within the
framework of this action,. Having touched the resolution adopted by
Assembly at the April session on performance of obligations by
Armenia, Samad Seyidov has noted, that in this question the structure
has given Armenia time until the fall session.

Then, the deputy has noted the work done by the Bureau in connection
with results of monitoring in Latvia, destiny of missing in Belarus,
cooperation with Kazakhstan, judgment on death penalty to the
Bulgarian doctors in Libya, presidential elections conducted in
Ukraine in October.

The report of the Azerbaijan deputy on activity of the Bureau of
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe testifies to high
trust to our country and growth of its image in the structure.

At the session, President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan is expected to
make speech before the deputies about situation in his country.

The Session continues its work.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress