SYSTEM OF A DOWN Singer Speaks Out On Turkish Repression

Nov 16 2006

Launch Radio Networks reports: SYSTEM OF A DOWN frontman Serj Tankian
has sent out a message asking fans to write letters to the Turkish
government protesting a law in Turkey called Article 301, which makes
it a crime to say or write anything deemed to be "un-Turkish."

Tankian wrote, "Journalists, writers and many others who are vocal are
facing trials under this law. In fact this year’s Nobel Prize winner
for literature, Orhan Pamuk, escaped conviction on a technicality
for his mention of the one million Armenians living in Turkey who
were murdered in the first part of the 20th century."

Tankian asks that fans join members of Amnesty International in sending
emails to the Turkish government asking them to "uphold the right to
free speech and repeal Article 301 of the penal code."

Tankian added that the government of Sudan is also guilty of repressing
speech, explaining, "In the Sudan today, tens of thousands have been
killed and millions more have been driven from their homes.

The Sudanese Government will not acknowledge the extent of the tragedy
and refuses to protect its own people."

In addition to being a member of Amnesty International, Tankian is
a co-founder, with AUDIOSLAVE’s Tom Morello, of the political and
social activist organization Axis Of Justice.

SYSTEM OF A DOWN is featured in a new documentary called "Screamers",
about the history of genocide throughout the 20th century. The film
will premiere in Los Angeles on December 8 and expand to other cities
in January.

SYSTEM OF A DOWN is currently on an extended hiatus following the
release of its "Mezmerize" and "Hypnotize" albums last year and the
touring that followed.