Conference of Armenian Parliamentarian Friendship ended

Azat Artsakh, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
June 24, 2003


The June 19 meeting of the Armenian Conference of Parliamentarian
Friendship discussed a number of questions concerning not only
Armenia but also the countries represented at the conference. Also
the economic and social state of those countries were presented. A
number of questions regarding NKR were discussed, including problems
of exchange of information. NKR National Assembly speaker Oleg
Yessayan presented the present economic condition of Artsakh to the
representatives of European countries and particularly mentioned that
every country of the post-soviet period faced two rather complicated
and interrelated problems after the declaration of independence. The
first of these problems, according to Oleg Yessayan, is formation of
the national economy after the dissolution of the economy, and the
second is to maintain the transition of the national economy into the
model of market economy. The NKR NA speaker stated that the military
and political situation in which years ago the economy of this small
country was formed naturally caused a number of serious
complications. However, today the picture is completely different.
With the assistance of the Republic of Armenia the people and the
government managed to achieve economic reforms. `The GDP in our
country only in 2003 increased by 19.8 percent.’ The average salary
in Artsakh totals over 60 US dollars. According to Oleg Yessayan, if
compared to the rates 10 years ago the average salary certainly grew
10 times. As to the development of business, the speaker of NKR
parliament emphasized that favourable conditions have been provided
in our country for foreign investments. According to the NKR
legislation, absolutely the same conditions work for all investors
but with more privileges for the foreign investors. Thus, in case of
investing 50 thousand dollars and more in the first three year the
investor is exempted from all taxes except for the pension fund
payments. Drawing the attention of the foreign members of parliament,
Mr. Yessayan mentioned that Artsakh has all the favourable conditions
for development of economy of the country as well as the growth of
business of foreign businessmen, which is favourable for both the
businessman and the development of independent Artsakh. For example
he mentioned that during the past four years the total volume of
foreign investments exceeded 40 million dollars, which is a serious
number for a country with 150 thousand population. During the meeting
the staff of the conference was also confirmed. The speaker of the
National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Artur Baghdassarian was
elected chairman of the Conference. Six committees were formed.
According to Artur Baghdassarian, the conference will pursue the
settlement of the problems that Armenia and the Armenian nation face,
as well as represent the interests of Armenia and friendly countries
in different international parliamentary organizations. The first
plenary meeting of the Armenian Conference of Parliamentarian
Friendship closed under the hymn of Armenia. The next meeting will
take place next year, however it has not been decided yet in which
country. Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Artur
Baghdassarian considered it appropriate to hold it in Armenia not
refusing invitations from Nagorni Karabakh, Russia and Ukraine. The
delegates of these countries expressed their wish to hold the next
meetings in their countries. And before that the six committees will
discuss and work out the problems for the settlement of which this
unprecedented organization was founded.