Two new Armenian motions in the UK Parliament

Armenia Solidarity
(an independent organisation,formerly known as Wales-Armenia Solidarity)
c/o the Temple of Peace
Tel: 07876561398
[email protected]

Two new Armenian motions in the UK parliament

Two new Armenian related motions have been tabled at the House of
Commons,in the UK parliament, London in response to a
Armenia Solidarity.
They are on the Turkish blockade of Armenia (EDM number 344) and on the
Genocide, EDM number 357 (titled Armenia)
. By now, taken together, 120 of the present MPs have signed one or
more of the past EDMs recognising the Armenian Genocide..
All Welsh and Scotish Nationalists have signed previously(Plaid
Cymru and SNP parties), as well as approximately one third of Liberal
Democrat and Labour MPs. An Armenia Solidarity spokesman said that they
were confident of increasing the numbers of signatories substantially
this year.It is hoped UK Armenians will contact their MPs asking them to
sign, and also make contact with us.
Armenia Solidarity is also lobbying ministers. A representative
presented a book of evidence on the genocide titled "Remember" by John
Torosyan, last week to the Uk Foreign Secretary, Mrs Margaret Beckett.
She promised to study it carefully.

The wording of the motions are as follows

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Nia Griffith(MP for Llanelli, Wales): Blockade of Armenia EDM
number: 344
That this House recognises the incompatibility of Turkey’s ongoing thi
rteen-year blockade of Armenia with the declared UK, NATO, and EU policy
objectives of regional security and prosperity; is appalled by the fact
that Turkey is the only Council of Europe country to engage in a
blockade against a fellow member-state; notes that the blockade has
already had a considerable negative impact on Armenian, Turkish and
regional development and continues to undermine efforts at international
development in the region; further notes that Armenia is in favour of
establishing diplomatic relations with Turkey; and urges the Turkish
Government to lift its blockade and work towards the establishment of
diplomatic relations without any preconditions inconsistent with
international law or the EU accession criteria.

————————————— ———————————

Spink, Bob : (MP for Castle Point, Essex) Recognition of theArmenian
Genocide EDM number : 357

That this House believes that the killing of over a million Armenians in
1915 was an act of genocide; calls upon the UK Government to recognise
it as such;and believes that it would be in Turkey’s long-term
interests to do the same.