Russia Economically Indifferent to Armenia


Russia Economically Indifferent to Armenia
15.12.2006 16:08 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Pro-Russian orientation of Armenia can be extended
dependently on success or failures of the pro-western Georgian
democracy, head of the center of Caucasian Studies at the Moscow State
Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) Vladimir Zakharov said in
an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. In his words, U.S.’s war against
Iran or establishment of cooperation between Iran and West in the
light of possible settlement of the problem of the Iranian nuclear
program can correct Armenia’s foreign line.

`Yerevan is closely connected with the CSTO and Russian companies make
big purchases in Armenia but I should confess that Russian businessmen
show little interest in what is happening in the country. Not economic
partnership but economic indifference can be observed and Armenia
slowly but faithfully turns to the West. In this case there is one
efficient remedy. Russia must as soon as possible improve the
situation. According to surveys, The army of adherents to all Russian
has considerably reduced in Armenia recently and unfortunately this is
Russia’s fault first of all,’ he said.

At that he underscored that there are political forces in Armenia
heading for NATO and wishing not only to receive assistance but also
become full member of the Alliance. `But then a question arouses. What
about Turkey? Are the tragic events of 1915 forgotten? If Turkey is a
partner Armenia will have not only to communicate with her but also
host Turkish troops. Everything can happen…’ he said.

Zakharov also remarked that formation of a new military bloc
Turkey-Georgia-Azerbaijan is not far away. `Armenia remain alone in
the unequal opposition and in this view the role of Russia, as a main
strategic and military partner increases,’ he said.