Caucasus Has Always Been Tasty Morsel for Western Europe


Caucasus Has Always Been Tasty Morsel for Western Europe
15.12.2006 15:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Caucasus has always been a tasty morsel for many
West European states which have never bordered with the region, head
of the center of Caucasian Studies at the Moscow State Institute of
International Relations (MGIMO) Vladimir Zakharov said in an interview
with PanARMENIAN.Net. In his words, everyone is aware of the
significant geopolitical location of the Caucasus not only for the
states bordering with it but also for the powers which currently
assumed the rights to act the Justice of the Peace, to share and
rule. `Some analysts voice opinion that the Caucasus attracts the
United States only by prospects of wide energy corridor. If we analyze
the U.S. external political activity it will coincide with the
functioning or planned routes of hydrocarbon transportation,’ he said.

Zakharov considers that the peculiarities of geopolitical and
geostrategic situation of the South Caucasus states played an
important role during the recent period. `They offer the U.S. and
other leading Western European states various possibilities to realize
their interests not only in economic but also in political and
especially military sectors. Multivectoral competition and sometimes
opposition between the states bordering with the region (Iran, Turkey)
and the states situated far away from the region is observed,’
Zakharov said.