Armenian-Turkish Problems Must be Solved in Civilized Way


Armenian-Turkish Problems Must be Solved in Civilized Way
16.12.2006 13:02 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ There are two approaches in the
European Union’s stance towards Turkey: one group of
states and first of all Austria insist on privileged
partnership. And the second, group at the head of
Great Britain insist, that Turkey must be given some
time to fulfill the commitments on EU membership, said
in Yerevan specialist in Turkic philology Ruben
Safrastian, the director of the Institute of Oriental
Studies. `EU’s decision to halt the negotiations was
expected and it was a kind of compromise and Turkey
was given a chance to fulfill its commitments on
Cyprus issue,’ he stressed. Safrastian also underlined
that the Europeans do not want to shut the door in
front of Turkey at the same time insisting on their
stance. `It is very important for Armenia that Turkey
began the fulfillment of its reforms directed by the
EU, since for our state is crucial to have a
predictable neighbor, which will acknowledge its past.
Armenia is interested in the civilized settlement of
Armenian-Turkish problems,’ said Safrastian. At the
same time he underlined that the European community is
well aware of modern Turkey and does not want to have
a state in the Union which does not share European values.