BAKU: The Kingdom of Bahrain to Support Azerbaijan in NK Conflict

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Выбо ра, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
Dec 30 2006

The Kingdom of Bahrain to Support Azerbaijan in Nagorni Garabagh

Accordingly to information from press service of the Ministry of
Defense, December 20, Minister, colonel-general, Safar Abiyev, met
with delegation headed by Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of
Bahrain, sheikh, Khalifa ben Ahmad al Khalifa, paying a private visit
to our country.
Colonel-general, Safar Abiyev, informed guest in detail about public
and political situation in our country and aggression of Armenia
against Azerbaijan. He told about economic development in our
Republic, exploitation of the main export pipeline
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, construction of gas pipeline
Sheikh, Khalifa ben Ahmad al Khalifa invited Ministry of Defense,
Safar Abiyev, to pay official visit to his country. He extended his
gratitude for support of Azerbaijan with respect to issues serving
for national interests of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Touching upon
military cooperation between both states, guest said: we intend to
sign agreement in this field.
He said: `We believe that with the held of the Almighty Allah
Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity. The Kingdom of
Bahrain strongly supports Azerbaijan in this issue’.
Colonel-general Safar Abiyev underlined: Azerbaijan wants to live in
peace with its neighbors. Azerbaijan is craving for peace regulation
of Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorni Garabagh conflict. However,
destructive position of Armenia impedes regulation of conflict. If
talks have no results we will liberate our territories with all
possible means.
Informing his counterpart in details about consequences of the said
conflict, Minister said: with development of economy of Azerbaijan,
its military forces are being strengthened, we provide our army with
modern arming, ammunition and military technique.
Then parties held wide view exchange on military and political
situation in South Caucasus and Middle East, sharing the ideas on
close cooperation of Azerbaijan and Turkey, USA and NATO.