It’s High Time to Resolve Problem with Ambassador in Armenia


It’s High Time to Resolve Problem with Ambassador in Armenia
19.01.2007 16:20 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Ambassador Richard Hoagland is a career US diplomat
and has served with distinction as the American Ambassador to
Tajikistan, Richard Giragosian, expert of the Armenian International
Police Research Group – AIPRG, Washington.DC. said in an interview
with PanARMENIAN.Net. `The long delay over his confirmation, although
in large part due to the State Department’s refusal to use the term
Genocide, should end and the case over his coming to Armenia
closed. Armenia is losing more without an American ambassador present
and it is time to end this confrontation. The real conflict is with US
policy and not the person,’ he said.