Hrant Dink Had Presentiment about His Death?


Hrant Dink Had Presentiment about His Death?
19.01.2007 19:22 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `The first that comes to mind is my
conversations with Hrant Dink. He used to say he is in
danger. One should have big courage to speak in the
Turkish public of topics Dink dared to speak,’
Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the
RA Academy of Sciences Ruben Safrastyan told a
PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, Dink’s
assassination has become a logical and tragic result
of the current situation in Turkey. `The wide-scale
Armenian Genocide denial campaign launched by the
Turkish authorities has created an atmosphere of
anti-Armenian psychosis. Hrant Dink fell the first
victim to this policy,’ Safrastayn underscored.