BAKU: EU envoys, Azeri Speaker discuss development of cooperation

EU envoys, Azeri Speaker discuss development of cooperation

Turan news agency
7 Jul 04


Milli Maclis (parliament) Chairman Murtuz Alasgarov today received
Janez Potocnik, commissioner in charge of the EU’s European
Neighbourhood Policy, and Heikki Talvitie, special representative of
the EU in the South Caucasus.

During the meeting, Alasgarov said that as a country which respects
European values, Azerbaijan had joined many European conventions and
brought its legal system into line with European standards.

Speaking about the Karabakh issue, Alasgarov condemned the fact that
representatives of international organizations, including Talvitie,
have visited Nagornyy Karabakh without the Azerbaijani authorities’
permission. He objected to Talvitie’s view that Karabakh is
“developing”. He asked: how can we talk about development when
Karabakh has turned into a hotbed of terrorists and illegal drug

For his part, Potocnik praised Azerbaijan’s adherence to a peaceful
settlement to the conflict. Speaking about Talvitie’s mission, he said
that one of his tasks is assistance to the OSCE Minsk Group.

Also, touching upon the prospects for Azerbaijan’s cooperation with
the European Union, Potocnik said that the EU had allocated 400m euros
to Azerbaijan and plans to grant another 30m. He also explained that
the development of cooperation does not mean the country’s admission
to the EU. Azerbaijan should resolve many problems to achieve this,
above all, it should eradicate poverty and curb corruption. Also, the
EU can help the country resolve these problems.