Azerbaijan: OSCE Reps appalled by murder of Turkish journalist Dink

Today, Azerbaijan
Jan 19 2007

OSCE Representative appalled by murder of Turkish journalist Hrant

19 January 2007 [23:45] – Today.Az

The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti,
expressed profound shock today over the murder of the well-known
Turkish journalist Hrant Dink.

"I condemn the murder of Hrant Dink, one of Turkey’s outstanding
commentators on Armenian-community related affairs," said Haraszti.
"This is a cowardly act resulting in tragic loss."

According to reports, Hrant Dink, editor of the Armenian-Turkish
language weekly Agos Magazine, was shot dead in front of the Istanbul
offices of his newspaper.

In October 2005, Dink received a six-month suspended sentence on
charges of "insult to the Turkish identity", according to article 301
of the Penal Code.

"Those who commit violence against journalists cannot be allowed to
do so with impunity. Therefore, I call upon the Turkish authorities
to track down those responsible as quickly as possible. It is a basic
OSCE principle that acts of violence and intimidation must be
thoroughly investigated based on the rule of law. This is also a
vital element contributing to a climate genuinely allowing for
freedom of expression and discussion within a society," said Miklos

The OSCE Representative has asked the Turkish authorities to remove
all criminal provisions, allowing the prosecution of anyone who
expresses opinions that differ from that of state institutions. OSCE