BAKU: US Jewish Lobby To Support Turkey To Prevent Alleged Armenian


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Feb 5 2007

Turkish Foreign Minister Abdulla Gul is paying an official visit to
the US, APA Turkish bureau reports.

Abdulla Gul will meet with Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice, Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs Stephen Hadley and a number of leading members
of the Congress as well. He will explain to the US officials the
damage of the adoption of the bill on alleged "Armenian genocide"
to the relations between the two countries. Jewish lobby is said to
support Ankara to prevent the bill. Jewish organizations beware of
damage to military-strategic alliance of the two countries and US
deprivation of Incirlik military base used in operations in Iraq and
situated near Iranian borders. Chairmanship of Nancy Pelosi, who is
close to Armenian lobby, to the House of Representatives increases
the possibility of discussion and adoption of the bill. Therefore,
three Jewish organizations will try to prevent including the bill
on the agenda of the House of Representatives. They try to use Rahm
Emanuel, the main author of election strategy paving the way of victory
for democrats in order to influence Pelosi’s position, who is not so
close to Jews. The leader of one of the Jewish organizations told the
Turkish journalists that Emanuel should be persuaded of the importance
of preventing the bill. Nancy always follows Emanuel’s advice.

Turhan Chomaz and Orhan Ziya Diren representing the Turkish government
(Justice and Development) and opposition parties will also visit the
US tomorrow. They are expected to meet with congressmen and members
of Armenian Diaspora. Yaþar Buyukanýt Chief of the Turkish General
Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces will begin his official visit to
Washington on February 11. Army general Buyukanit will hold meetings
with the US military and political leaders.
