Tbilisi, Baku and Ankara form new military-economic alliance


Tbilisi, Baku and Ankara form new military-economic alliance
16.02.2007 17:33 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A new military-economic alliance is being formed in
the South Caucasus, reports the Military-Industrial Courier
newspaper. The article titled `The Caucasian triangle’ reminds that
last week the leaders of the three states signed the Tbilisi
declaration on a unified vision of regional cooperation. Besides, they
approved the Memorandum on cooperation in the energy field and the
Agreement on the Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway.

`On the eve of the Tbilisi meeting Baku and Ankara signed an agreement
on military cooperation. Turkey promised military assistance to
Azerbaijan though the amount is not made public. The experts have
already concluded that in case of resumption of hostilities between
Azerbaijan and Armenia the Kars-Tbilisi-Baku should become the rear
trunk-railway supplying the Azeri army from Turkey. Georgia’s problem
is that it will have to rebuild the sector from Akhalkalaki to the
Turkish border as well as ensure security of the line stretching
through the territory inhabited by Armenians. Tbilisi clearly
understands that the railway construction will alleviate the load of
Georgian ports.

`All this proves that Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan are building a
common military-economic space what will lead to tension in the region
and further isolation of Armenia which is tied by allied relations
with Moscow. The situation is pregnant with aggravation and it
directly concerns Russia’s interests,’ says the article.