Armenian police improve efficiency in combating human trafficking

Armenian police improve efficiency in combating human trafficking

13 Jul 04


The Armenian law-enforcement agencies have lately improved their
efficiency in combating human trafficking, the public relations
department of the Armenian police says in a report forwarded to
Arminfo news agency.

Last year alone, the law-enforcement agencies instituted 19 criminal
proceedings on charges of pimping. Nine cases were linked to pimping
outside the country and human trafficking. Article 132 of the Criminal
Code adopted in August 2003 stipulates four to eight years in prison
as a punishment for trafficking. The report says that the Armenian
government in January 2004 endorsed a national programme of struggle
against international trafficking for 2004-06. A total of 11,000
dollars were allocated from the state budget for the implementation of
the programme. The remaining funds will be allocated by foreign donor

[Passage omitted: Armenia ratified UN conventions on transnational
organized crime and human trafficking in 2003]