AAA: Senate Legislation Condeming Dink’s Murder "Held Over"

Armenian Assembly of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]

March 6, 2007
CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
E-mail: [email protected]


Washington, DC – Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph R.
Biden, Jr. (D-DE) today announced that Committee Ranking Member Richard
Lugar (R-IN) requested that consideration of S. Res. 65 be held over
until the next Committee business meeting.

The resolution – which was scheduled for consideration today – condemns
Dink’s assassination and urges Turkey to take appropriate action to
protect freedom of speech by repealing Article 301 of the Turkish penal
code which criminalizes public discussion on the Armenian Genocide. The
resolution also calls on Turkey to reestablish full diplomatic,
political and economic relations with Armenia.

"S. Res. 65 celebrates the life of Hrant Dink – a courageous individual
who embodied the values we hold dear – democracy and freedom," said
Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "We commend Chairman Biden’s
leadership on this timely legislation and critical human rights issue.
We also thank the growing number of cosponsors for adding their support
to this bill. This legislation reminds of the important need for true
reforms – specifically the repeal of Article 301 – to safeguard minority
and human rights in Turkey."

Senators Norm Coleman (R-MN), Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Robert Menendez
(D-NJ) and Ken Salazar (D-CO) yesterday joined Senators Barbara Boxer
(D-CA) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) as cosponsors to the bill.

"We will continue to work with members of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee to see to it that Hrant Dink’s legacy is properly honored and
that the goals he set for creating understanding and respect for the
Armenian minority and its history in Turkey are not forgotten with his
death," Ardouny continued. "We must do everything we can to ensure that
no other citizen of Turkey falls victim to Ankara’s inexcusable campaign
of denial."

During the Assembly’s National Advocacy Conference last year, Ambassador
Daniel Fried, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian
Affairs, told Armenian-American activists that "The United States
government has never denied the events of 1915. We do not
support….export of denialist literature or positions. We do support
efforts by Turkey to deal with its history more seriously."

For more information on Hrant Dink, including Assembly statements, media
coverage, photographs, and video, please visit the Hrant Dink Resource
Page on the Assembly’s Web site at

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of
Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership organization.



Editor’s Note: Photograph available on the Assembly’s Web site at the
following link:


Caption: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph R. Biden,
Jr. (D-DE), right, with Executive Director Bryan Ardouny on Capitol Hill