Haigazian University Honors Lebanese Armenian School Principals

Haigazian University
Mira Yardemian – Public Relations Director
Rue Mexique – Kantari
P.O. Box 11-1748
Riad El-Solh 1107 2090
Beirut – Lebanon

Beirut, 08/03/2007

Haigazian University Honors Lebanese Armenian School Principals

"It’s a well known fact that today’s knowledge and education go global.
However, the genuine Armenian education, spirit and identity should remain
the core, and be the central axis of education of Armenian youngsters,
amidst the wave of globalization", said Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, President
of Haigazian University, acknowledging the threat of losing the vital
Armenian core of values in our society.

The President’s talk came during an intimate dinner, on March the 7th,
2007, hosting the Armenian school principals in Lebanon, on the occasion of
Teachers’ Day.
This unprecedented event gathered 26 principals, who eagerly accepted
President Haidostian’s invitation, to meet each other and share issues
oftheir common career and mission.

The program started with a welcoming word, by Mira Yardemian, Public
Relations Director at the University, who considered educators historically
as highly regarded people in our society, almost as important as the
clergy. That’s why everywhere they went, they made sure they had their
church first and the school next, both deemed necessary for their unity and
"Nowadays challenges for Armenian educators are even harder than before, as
they have to be very competitive in world education, in spite of their less
lucrative compensation and limited possibilities", noted Yardemian.

Following a poem, the "Educator", of Taniel Varoujan, eloquently recited by
Haigazian student Araz Ladoyan, President Haidostian addressed the
audience, highlighting the Armenian students’ academic success, by
providing numbers and percentages.
60% of students placed on the Dean’s list (i.e. and average between 85 and
90) are Armenians. Moreover, during the past four years, 75% of students on
the President’s list (i.e. an average above 90) are of Armenian origin,
whereas only 50% of the overall student body is Armenian. Haidostian
considered these results as the best gift to offer to Armenian schools,
principals and teachers on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. He also shared
news about the financial aid offered by Haigazian University to needy
Armenian students, reaching to almost 3 million US dollars during the past
5 years.

Before departure, guests received beautiful office frames, specially
designed for the occasion, quoting a selection of Siamanto’s poem, The
Prayer of the Saint, which presents the educator’s humility and nobleness.