ANKARA: United States Does Not Have The Luxury Of Losing Turkey, Wex


Anatolian Times, Turkey
Turkish Press
March 12 2007

ANKARA – Following are the highlights from today’s Turkish daily
Sabah. The Anadolu Agency is not responsible of opinions expressed
or the context of the editorials and does not vouch for their accuracy:


While controversy over the draft resolution on the so-called
Armenian genocide, which was earlier submitted to the U.S. House of
Representatives, is going on, Robert Wexler, a U.S. Congressman &
Co-Chairman of the Congress’ Turkey Caucus & the Congressional Study
Group on Turkey, said in an interview with the Sabah daily that the
United States cannot afford to lose an important ally like Turkey.

Wexler, one of the most influential members of the U.S. Congress who
describes himself as an ally and admirer of Turkey, admitted that
the United States failed to keep promises it made to Turkey regarding
the fight against the terrorist organization PKK.

Wexler portrayed Turkey as the most important ally (in the region)
following Israel, as well as the most progressive and modern Muslim
country. He said that Turkey has a great economic power, a significant
cultural asset and is a significant factor of stability in its region
thanks to its military power.

Referring to the influence exerted by ethnic lobbies –including
Armenian lobby– on the U.S. Congress, Wexler said that they had
been trying to do everything in their power to create a positive
environment at the U.S. Congress by underscoring the importance of
Turkey from the point of view of United States’ national interests.

He stressed that it was meaningless to complicate the situation
in a period when thousands of U.S. soldiers in Iraq receive vital
logistic support from Turkey and especially from the Incirlik base
in southern Turkey.

"Considering the rising influence of Russia in the region, with its
aggressive attitudes in energy policies; tension in the Middle East;
and ongoing Sunni-Shiite clashes; the United States needs support
from Turkey more than ever", he said.

Wexler noted that Turkey, as a regional power, had always fulfilled
its commitments, and extended full support to the (ISAF) International
Security Force in Afghanistan.

"We should start fulfilling our promises we gave to Turkey",
he concluded.