ANKARA: Another bill

Sabah, Turkey
March 16 2007

Another bill

After the US House of Representatives, another Armenian bill has been
submitted to the senate. Two ministers of Bush’s party have objected
to the bill.

So-called genocide bill at the US Senate

Twenty-one members out of 100 have confirmed the bill submitted by
Durbin from the Democrat Party and Ensign from the Republican Party.
Hillary Clinton, who used to support the Armenians, was not included
in this list of signatures.

After the US House of Representatives, the upper wing senate has been
submitted a bill to recognize the events regarding Armenians in the
last century as "genocide." According to the written announcement by
the American Armenian Assembly (AAA), Durbin from the Democrat Party
and Ensign from the Republican Party have submitted the bill.
Twenty-one members out of 100 have confirmed the bill with
signatures; however, Hillary Clinton, who used to support the
Armenians, was not included in this list of signatures.