John Danilovich: Armenia has made positive and constructive reforms

John Danilovich: Armenia has made a number of positive and constructive
19.03.2007 14:30

Ambassador John Danilovich, CEO of the Millennium Challenge
Corporation, told members of a key House foreign aid panel that
Armenia has made a number of reforms that are both `positive and
constructive,’ and expressed that elections in Armenia be `conducted
correctly,’ reports the Armenian Assembly of America.

Danilovich appeared before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on
State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs to discuss MCC’s
funding needs for Fiscal Year 2008.

Committee Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-NY), in her opening statement,
stressed that MCC funding was designed to be additive, and should not
take away from other funding programs, such as the Freedom Support
Act. Her concerns were echoed by Congressman Jesse L. Jackson,
Jr. (D-IL) and Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI),
who also noted that Armenia must work to sustain its status as an MCC