Government Approves Bill On Tax Registration


Noyan Tapan
Mar 22 2007

YEREVAN, MARCH 22, NOYAN TAPAN. At the March 22 sitting, the Armenian
government approved the bill on tax registration. Deputy Head of
the RA State Tax Service Armen Alaverdian told reporters after the
sitting that the decision on registration of tax payers in Armenia
was taken in 1995 and since then many amendments have been made to
laws, which caused the necessity to develop a bill. According to
A. Alaverdian, the bill gives the definition of tax registration, the
order and terms of providing a tax payer code, etc. Within a month
after getting registered at the state register, the tax payer must
receive a tax payer code and retain it until bankruptcy or end of
activity. These codes are similar and used for all state bodies. By
the way, henceforth it will not be possible to open a bank account or
conduct customs transactions without such code. A. Alaverdian said that
henceforth urgent issues related to registration will be regulated by
law rather than solved by a tax body or governmental decision. Until
now tax payer codes have been given to 173 thousand tax payers in
Armenia, 50 thousand of whom either were liquidated or went bankrupt.