Official visit of Andranik Margarian to Georgia

July 27 2004


YEREVAN, JULY 27, ARMENPRESS: After the meeting with Georgian
president Armenian prime minister Andranik Margarian visited Armenian
embassy in Georgia and met the embassy personnel there. According to
government press services, the concluding session of
Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental economic cooperation committee
took place in the second half of Monday.
Conferring the present pace of Armenian-Georgian trade economic
cooperation between Armenia and Georgia, the committee members
underscored that despite of visible moves the present volumes of
trade turnover does not meet the real potentials of the two
Special attention was paid to cooperation in the field of
transport and communication and respective tasks were assigned.
The session also discussed mutually beneficial cooperation in the
field of tourism which according to the committee is a major vehicle
to boost friendly ties between the two countries, contribute to
mutual understanding and further develop ties.
The next session of Armenian-Georgian intergovernmental economic
cooperation committee is slated for the year 2005 in Yerevan.
After the session the committee co-chairs, the two prime
ministers, Andranik Margarian and Zurab Zhvania, signed a document on
Rules of Action of Armenian-Georgian Intergovernmental Economic
Cooperation Committee which was discussed during the session and the
memorandum of the meeting where several important arrangements are
detailed including creation of business association and assignments
to different ministries.
In the evening Georgina PM gave an official dinner in the honor of
Andranik Margarian.
Within the cultural part of the visit the Armenian delegation
headed by Andranik Margarian will visit today historical and cultural
sites of Georgia, Georgian state and art museum.