Israel Hakobkokhyan Finds Himself Learned


[03:27 pm] 06 April, 2007

World Box Champion Israel Hakobkokhyan doesn’t have great expectations
from the upcoming parliamentary elections. To remind, he runs for
the parliament under the majority system.

In reply to A1+’s question why he runs for the elections if he doesn’t
have great expectations, Mr. Hakobkokhyan said, "I am sick and tired
of hearing constant lies and false stories which are presented as
favorable speeches for the whole nation. This is the main reason for
my participation. Provided I am elected I shall make our officialdom
understand that they don’t care for the country through fabricated

Israel Hakobkokhyan finds himself a literate person.

"I am not that educated as other candidates might be.

I haven’t graduated from 1000 institutes, but I am learned as I
have led an interesting and meaningful life. There were numerous
geniuses who weren’t educated but made history due to their prudence
and intelligence. I advise all educated people to get life lessons
first and then start drafting laws."

Mr. Hakobkokhyan claims he has got no sponsors among the RA parties. He
gives his preference to the Heritage Party. "I greatly respect Raffi
Hovannisian, leader of the Heritage and share his ideas. He is an
inborn Armenian."

Asked whether he is content with President Kocharyan he said, "If I
were satisfied, I wouldn’t put forward my candidature. But I must be
content as no matter who rules the country I am ready to serve him
as he presents the interests of the whole country."

To note, Israel Hakobkokhyan promises to return A1+ to air provided
he comes to power.