RA Government Affirms Program On Culture Development In Marzes Of Re


Noyan Tapan
Apr 06 2007

YEREVAN, APRIL 6, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA Government affirmed at the
April 5 sitting the program on culture development in the marzes of
the republic and the list of events envisaged by the program. As
RA Minister of Culture and Youth Issues Hasmik Poghosian informed
journalists after the sitting, the program will assist introduction
of a regulated and active system of carrying on a cultural policy in
the RA. Particularly, coordinated activity of a state authorized body,
governor’s offices and local self-government bodies will be secured
with the help of defining competences and functions. The program will
also assist development of innermarz cultural cooperation and security
of a joint cultural field, start of the process of liquidation of
differences existing between Yerevan and the RA marzes, improvement of
allocation of cultural organizations, conditions of the population’s
participation in the cultural life, working out and introduction
of standards relating to staff of the sphere of culture, training,
re-training and re-qualification programs.

H. Poghosian mentioned that 372 mln 449 thousand drams (about 1 mln
U.S. dollars), what makes 13.3% more as if compared with 2004, were
given this year to marzes from the state budget for implementation
of cultural events. The Minister at the same time mentioned that
the allocated financial means are not enough and proportional to the
number of population of a separate marz.