ARF Atsakh district convention decision on NKR presidential election
April 06, 2007
The extraordinary convention of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
Artsakh district, considering NKR internal political situation in
connection with the forthcoming NKR presidential election has come to
the following conclusion:
1. Taking into account that the Nagorno Karabakh Republic is facing
new and more complicated challenges on the external front in
connection with Arstakh’s independence international recognition with
its factual borders, and that an environment of unity is crucial to
overcome those challenges;
2. Considering that many economic and social problems exist in
Artsakh, especially the social justice and lawfulness, and that
solving those is only possible if all political an public forces
3. Stating that the forthcoming presidential election should create a
possibility for political consensus to ensure a progress for the
country’s governance and forming of a government on new qualitative
bases, as well as contribute to development of political
The extraordinary convention of the ARF Artsakh district resolves:
A. To instruct the ARF Central Committee to find out the possibility
of nominating a united candidates in the light of the above mentioned
principles by holding talks with political and public forces in a
short period of time.
B. In case a united agreement is impossible with the political and
public forces invited to talks, the Central Committed is authorized to
announce a candidate from the ARF for NKR president, and call the next
meeting of the district convention if needed.