Park Named After Legendary Italian Screen-Writer Tonino Guerra To Be


Noyan Tapan
Apr 19 2007

YEREVAN, APRIL 19, NOYAN TAPAN. A park named after world-famous
Italian screen-writer, playwright and poet Tonino Guerra will be
created soon in Yerevan, in front of Italian street, in the territory
between monuments to Alexander Myasnikian and Stepan Shahumian. As
Armen Mazmanian, Art Director of Goy theater, stated at the April 19
press conference, the park will be opened in summer, in the days of
the Golden Apricot – 2007 (Voske Tsiran) international film festival,
in which Tonino Guerra will also take part.

"Tonino Guerra has already given his consent to construction
of fountains in the park by his draft (Guerra is also known for
his drafts of fountains of great value: NT)," Mazmanian said. The
park’s construction will be directly headed by Yerevan Mayor Yervand
Zakharian. The park’s architect is the grandson of famous writer
Kostan Zarian, Ara Zarian, who resides in Venice.

In A. Mazmanian’s words, the famous Italian screen-writer, who has
not been creating screens either for theater or cinema for already
15 years, of his own free will wrote a screen for Goy theater. And
in summer when Guerra again comes to Armenia the rehearsals of the
performance will start.

The Art Director of the theater said that his acquaintance and
friendship with Guerra started last year when the renowned writer
arrived in Yerevan to take part in the Golden Apricot film festival as
a guest. A. Mazmanian said that on April 16 he took part in Tonino
Guerra’s 87th birth anniversary and gave him a 250-kg khachkar
(cross-stone) made by similarity with one of Jugha khachkars.

After leaving Armenia Guerra wrote nearly 30 articles, lithographic
works and a poem about Armenia and Armenian people. In Mazmanian’s
words, Guerra everywhere tells and presents the Golden Apricot
festival and calls all renowned figures of cinematography for
"leaving for Armenia and participating in that festival." "I think
this is the best assistance to Armenia done through art and artist,"
Mazmanian emphasized.

Besides, a branch of Tonino Guerra International Cultural Association
opened in Yerevan, the Chairman of which is A. Mazmanian. The latter
said that with the funds of that cultural association every year young
Armenian producers, screen-writers and cameramen will pass one-month
master-classes in Italy.