What else is needed to see the real face of Turkey?

What else is needed to see the real face of Turkey?

Kurdish Aspect, CO
April 21 2007

Kurdishaspect.com – By Sosun Welat

Is the brutal murder of priest in Trabzon is not enough to see this
society’s and the Turkish state’s in tolerance to other religions? Is
the barbaric murder of Hrant Dink is not enough to see the fascist
and racist face of this state?

The murder of innocent Christians in the city of Malatya just two days
ago is not enough to bring some doubts that we have about this regime
that is being pampered and appeased for more than half a century?

When these questions are asked, some would say that these are isolated
incidents. When in fact these are not isolated incidents.

Since the establishment of this Turkish regime it is been its official
ideology to purify the county’s soul and mind to Turkishness through
different methods. First it began with Armenian Genocide by the young
Turks during the last years of Ottoman Empire. After The Young Turks
ideology came to power with the establishment of Republic of Turkey it
continued up to our times. From 1920 to our times many Kurdish regions
went through massacres, internal exiles, evictions, destruction of
hamplets, villages etc. The most recent ones in Sivas 32 Kurdish
Alevis were burnt in hotel while they were honoring an Alevi saint
Pir Sultan Abdal. Through 1970 to 1980 in Sivas, Malatya, Corum,
Maras, Erzincan and many other towns Alevi Kurds were massacred by
hundreds just because they did not fit into TURKISH identity.

Just few years ago, A book store was bombed in Semdinli to stir
up unrest so that military can have a reason to start military
operations. But the operation went awry the perpetuators got caught
by the people and they were from intelligence wing of Turkish army.

After ward the current chief of staff of Turkish army Mr. Buyukanit
went further and praised his soldiers for burning the Kurdish book

Just recently a Kurdish father and his five year old son were replacing
a flat tire on their truck, so that he could go to work and earn bread
money for the family, they were murdered while doing their work their
buddies riddled with bullets. The policemen that did this horrific
crime were acquitted.

Because of being an ally of the west against the old Soviet Union up
until the collapse of USSR the west turned blind eye to this regime.

In fact Islamic and nationalistic organizations that were teaching
intolerance were supported by the state and indirectly by the west.

With the fall of Berlin wall a new world order started to emerge. By
the end of first Gulf War it was explicitly brought to our attention
by the elder President Bush.

With this new world order came globalization, more freedom and
opportunities for the under served and oppressed. Democracy seemed
to flourish in Africa; Nelson Mandela came to Presidential palace
from prison. States, people and minds changed.

It seems that Turkey is stuck in the past. They are still teaching in
their school that the TURKISH race is the best on this earth. Through
their official and unofficial KURAN-KURSU (religious seminary) the
Whabi Islam does not tolerate any other religion. At the same time
through their official or semi official organizations they are opening
up mega mosques through out Europe and US.

When Kurds fight either by force or non-violence we are labeled as
terrorists. It is the state of Turkey that can not stand an idea
of Kurdishness. As just few years back an official from the Turkish
government stated that even if Kurdistan was established as far away
as Argentina they will oppose it.

If today there is a PKK and it is fighting Turkey it is the product
of intolerance of TURKISH state of mind and its policies. Now they
want to use PKK presence in Qandil Mountains as pretext to attack
South Kurdistan.

They are well aware that dislodging PKK from Qandil does not put an
end to PKK. Their aim is not PKK. They are not afraid of PKK. They
are afraid of Southern Kurdistan; they want to get rid of Kurdistan
Regional Government no matter what it takes because they can not
stand it.

The west can not afford by keeping status quo with Turkey. They will
not change. Their agenda is to conquer Europe through becoming a
member of it. Not the way Ottomans did it.

They are good at one thing, conquer, destroy originality, and rule.

Look at Anatolia, it belongs to 3, 4 civilizations from Summerians,
Hitits, Arartu, Greeks to Romans and many others. Structures
changed to mosques, name of towns, cities, regions changed to hide
true identities. As recently supposedly Ax(Ah) Tamar Church in the
middle of Van Lake was restored to its originality but its name from
Ah Tamar changed to Ak damar. This highlights their intolerance.

As with US there are some circles and especially well paid lobbyists in

Washington sees Turkey as a giant pillar of the region which needs to
be kept as any ally at all costs. Unfortunately they have not seeing
the real face of Turkey yet, even though Turkey has acted against US
interests for some time.

In time we will see more prevailing acts from Turkish State and U.S
decision makers would come to the right conclusion that there is no
need for an ally such as TURKEY.

Let’s hope it will be soon.

