Toilets in dormitory are shining with cleanness

Toilets in dormitory are shining with cleanness

Naira Hayrumyan
29-04-2007 12:17:52 – KarabakhOpen

The reporter of the KarabakhOpen visited today together with the
representatives of the City Hall of Stepanakert and Water and Sewage
the dormitory at 120 Alex Manoogian Street. Our readers perhaps
remember reports in the media a few months ago on the epidemic of
yellow fever at the dormitory.

The reporters who had visited the five-storey building during the
epidemic were amazed by the awful state of sanitation at the dormitory
which has over 300 residents, half of them children. There are two
lavatories on each floor.

The building smells humidity from the worn pierced pipes and the
leaking roof. Children in every family have serious problems with
lungs. The basement is flooded withwater, the walls are covered with
mould, and people are mad of living in such conditions.

The residents of the dormitory, which was built in the 1960s for
the workers of the silk factory, demanded that the government solve
their problem of housing. "We deserve a better home," says Mania,
who has lived at the dormitory for 46 years, all her life.

The state and non-governmental media unanimously demanded solving
the problem of the dormitory. After these reports the government
set up a commission which decided after a study to allocate funds
for the repair of the roof and the lavatories of the dormitories
at 120 and 121 Alex Manoogian. Now the repair of the roof is over,
part of the lavatories of the dormitory were also repaired. Today the
opening of five lavatories took place. The residents are satisfied,
but Arev Mikaelyan, a resident, said this is not a solution of the
problem. "How long are we going to live in such conditions? Yes,
after the repair it will be more clean and comfortable. But we wait
until we get apartments.

They promised to provide the new building near the incubator but they
say the apartments are for sale," said Arev Mikaelyan.

"On these days the repair of the other five lavatories will start. The
problem will be solved gradually. If the building is not humid,
the health of the residents will improve," said Irina Khurshudyan,
a senior official of the City Hall.

"The state of the building was awful. Everything shines now. Now it
is up to the residents to keep it clean. We also provided mirrors
and hangers," said Vania Gasparyan, the president of the contractor.

We are happy that after our signal of alarm the government took steps
to relieve the problems of the residents.