BAKU: Turkish Ambassador To Israel: Jews’ Role In Support Of Interes


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
May 7 2007

Turkey’s Ambassador to Israel Namik Tan has been interviewed by the
APA’s Israel bureau

Namik Tan was born in the city of Mardin, Turkey in 1956. He graduated
from the faculty of law of Ankara University. He started working in
Turkish Foreign Ministry since 1982. He worked in Turkey’s Embassies
in Moscow, Abu Dhabi and Washington, as well as in different posts
in the Foreign Ministry. He assumed the position of ambassador to
Israel since January 2007.

– What is your assessment strategic cooperation between Turkey
and Israel?

– Turkey-Israel strategic cooperation is important both from regional
and global aspect. Turkey and Israel are democratic and secular
countries of the Middle East. Turkey has at the same time historical
peculiarity in the region. Turkey is historically linked 6to these
lands and unlike Israel, it is cooperating with all countries of the
Middle East. We have political relations with Syria, Saudi Arabia,
Iraq and Iran and strategic partnership with Israel. We have always
respected Jews. Turkey is the first Muslim country to recognize
Israeli state. Turkey-Israel cooperation has been constant within
59 years. Turkey tries to play a constructive diplomatic role in the
Middle East. There are a lot of problems in the region – problems of
Iraq, Syria and Iran. But I think the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
should be solved first of all. This conflict continues to have a
negative influence on other problems. If Israel-Palestine conflict
is solved, other problems will also be solved. Turkey tries to be
constructive in these problems. For instance, official Ankara organized
a meeting of Larijani with Solana, Turkish president Mr. Sezer
organized a meeting of Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s Presidents.

As to Israel-Turkey cooperation, I can say that we are cooperating
in the spheres of agriculture, tourism, high technology, security
and defense industry. Trade turnover between the two countries is
$2.5mln. We intend to increase it by $5bn in several years. 450,000
tourists come to Turkey from Israel every year. It means that 1,500
men come to Turkey from Israel every day. Israelis love Turkey and
feel themselves safe there. We intend to reconstruct one of the
buildings remained from the times of Ottoman Empire in Tel Aviv and
open Turkish Cultural Center.

– Mr. Ambassador, there were efforts to debate the so-called Armenian
genocide at the Israeli parliament two months ago, but they failed.

What is official Ankara’s position regarding that?

– We wish that this issue not to be included into the agenda any
more. Jews living in Turkey know very well that Turks never committed
genocide. We call these the events of 1915. Armenians, who served in
the Ottoman Army that time supported by Russia struggled against the
Ottoman State and bloody battles, occurred, there were losses from both
sides. But it is has nothing to do with genocide. We offer Armenians
to establish a joint commission of historians, bring historians
from other countries to investigate our archives and make a common
decision. Or else they turn these events to a political trade. 1915
events should not be the topic of discussion of the world parliaments,
but the topic of investigation by historians.

– What is your assessment of the cooperation between Turkey and

– Turkey-Azerbaijan cooperation based on the principle "one nation-two
states". We accept Azerbaijani people as our native people. Following
the establishment of Azerbaijan-Israeli International Association
two weeks ago, we were all impressed by the song "Chirpinirdi
Gara Deniz" (The Black Sea fought) by Azerbaijani singer Khatira
at the event attended by Nazim Ibrahimov, head of State Committee
for Azerbaijanis Living Abroad. I can not forget this song till
now. We love Azerbaijan heartily. We try to solve all the problems
together. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is the best example
of our strategic partnership. One can not feel any difference while
leaving Azerbaijan for Turkey. We have the same language, culture,
mentality. Turkey-Azerbaijan cooperation is of strategic character.

– How do you assess the establishment of Israel-Azerbaijan
International Association?

– We, Turkey welcome the establishment of Israel-Azerbaijan
International Association. I consider this important and heartily
support it. This association can protect the interests of Turkish world
in the Middle East. It is of great importance in struggling against the
occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenians, the claims on so-called
Armenian genocide. Of course, this organization will contribute to
the Azerbaijani-Israeli cooperation. At the same time, it will spread
Azerbaijan’s national interests and Azerbaijan’s truths to the world. I
want to underline that 100,000 Turkish Jews live in Israel. They
have "From Turkey" Society there. I hope serious cooperation will
be established between Israeli-Azerbaijan International Association
and this society. Because, their have common interests, goals and
strategic priorities. If we achieve a constructive cooperation of
these two organizations, we would contribute to Azerbaijan, Turkey,
and Turkish world. If you cooperate with Israel, you cooperate with
strong Jewish lobby. Jewish lobby is influential in France, Italy,
Germany and America. Jewish lobby is represented as real political
power at the US Congress and several parliaments of Europe. In this
context, our Jewish friends’ role in support of interests of Turkey
and Azerbaijan in the world is undeniable.