Chaldranian Displeased With State of Film and Cinematography


YEREVAN, MAY 12, NOYAN TAPAN. "I do not speak about the policy not only
on this but other days of the year as well. Politicians must speak
about the policy." Film director Vigen Chaldranian expressed such an
opinion at the May 11 meeting with journalists. The film director
stated that as a RA citizen he will fulfil his civil duty and go to the
elections. In his words, every man or citizen is responsible for the
policy being carried on in the country, and an indifferent posture can
be destructive just for the people.

In Vigen Chaldranian’s words, he did not leave cinematography "during
the hard years" and did not leave Armenia. He finds that "it is not a
heroic deed, but just a type of individuality and character." The film
director shot 5 films, including ones of the documentary, feature and
satirical genres just during those years.

In V. Chaldranian’s words, the state of the Armenian cinematography is
not good today, either, and the market relations existing in the sphere
of culture do not satisfy any artist.

"The one ordering culture today is the crowd and not the people. We
mistake market with "bazaar." And it is incomprehensible for me how it
happened that the unembarrassed state and free expression yield their
place to vulgarity and worship towards low-quality jokes," V.
Chaldranian emphasized.

The director, touching upon the role of language in the art, mentioned
that development of the Armenian language is endangered as street
jargon, gesture and thinking penetrated into TV broadcast: "It is
strange for me that the Public Television, being a state one, also paid
a tribute to all those. The television is today the biggest educating
and bringing up institute, isn’t it?"

V. Chaldranian also mentioned that the Armenian cinematography is today
more spread and propagandized abroad than in Armenia: "the all-union
cinematography fell, all-union film hiring stopped functioning: they
did those deeds, all the cinemas were privatized and the cinematography
appeared in vacuum."