BAKU: Moscow Hosts Heydar Aliyev’s Birthday Celebrations

Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
May 11 2007

Moscow Hosts Heydar Aliyev’s Birthday Celebrations

Russia, Moscow / corr Trend R.Agayev / The Moscow State Institute of
International Relationships (MSIIR) hosted a solemn evening dedicated
to the 84th birthday of the Azerbaijani great national leader the
late Heydar Aliyev, organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the
Azerbaijani embassy in Russia and the Co-ordinating Council of the
Azerbaijani Youth.

Igor Tulin, the first vice rector of the MSIIR, noted that the
celebration of Heydar Aliyev’s birthday at the Institute was planned
and totally symbolic, because thanks to his constant attention and
care during his post as the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of
Minister of the USSR, the MSIIR still exists to this day at the
university. Tulin stated that MSIIR is proud to honour this great
leader the title of Honorary Doctor inter vivos. `We are also proud
that the present Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev graduated and
taught at MSIIR, and in turn his daughter, Heydar Aliyev’s
granddaughter, is studying at the MSIIR doing a special masters
degree. I should also note that over 50 students from Azerbaijan are
studying at the University and regard it as their home,’ Tulin added.

Later a photographic documentary and video chronicle depicting Heydar
Aliyev’s activities was demonstrated.

Leyla Aliyeva, head of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s Representation
in Russia, spoke about, the difficult and glorious pages of the great
leader’s biography. Aliyeva noted that fate played a big part in
Heydar Aliyev a special mission on a national scale. After Heydar
Aliyev’s resignation, the Armenian separatists raised an issue on the
annexation of Nagorno-Karabakh. Aliyeva stressed that though Heydar
Aliyev could be in Azerbaijan during the 20th January events of 1990,
he stated his decisive protest and was always behind the people of

‘Heydar Aliyev returned to Azerbaijan in the difficult days for his
Motherland and immediately undertook to implement his key mission,
the rehabilitation and consolidation of independence and sovereignty
of Azerbaijan. Heydar Aliyev did a great service for the country: he
stopped the bloodshed, created the Constitution and founded an oil
strategy, and from this laid the foundation of a strong, developed
and powerful country – democratic Azerbaijan,’ Aliyeva emphasized.

She also spoke about the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s activities,
marking that over its 3-years, the Foundation gained approval and
support of the population. `The representation of the Heydar Aliyev
Foundation established in Moscow will consolidate the friendship and
co-operation between the two nations,’ he assured.

Later on a documentary depicting the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s
activities was demonstrated. Tatiana Anodina, the chairman of the
International Aviation Committee, Nikolay Zinkovich, a writer and
author of a book `Heydar Aliyev – fate zigzag’, Senator Alexander
Dzasokhov, the chairman of the Russian Commission on UNESCO affairs
and other dignatories shared their warm recollections about the late
Heydar Aliyev.

Dzasokhov said that Heydar Aliyev’s personality can only be compared
only with Kemal Ataturk and Charles de Gaulle. Commenting on
Dzasokhov’s words, the renowned singer, Iosif Kobzon, stated, `Heydar
Aliyev cannot be compared with anyone – Heydar Aliyev is Heydar

Iosif Kabzon, People’s Artist of USSR, the chairman of the Culture
Committee of the State Duma, repeatedly stressed his envy to the
people of Azerbaijan because of God’s gift of a genuine man like
Heydar Aliyev. He particularly noted Heydar Aliyev’s incomparable
attention to culture, his excellent knowledge of history and culture,
as well as his constant attention and care to culture employees which
should be an example for state leaders.

Polad Bulbuloglu, the Azerbaijani Ambassador Extraordinary
Plenipotentiary, noted in his remarks that they became familiar with
Heydar Aliyev in 1962. Thanks to the reign as an outstanding national
leader’s Heydar Aliyev, culture, which were always in the fore-front,
prospered during that period despite tough censorship, Names of world
famous musical figures, such Gara Garayev, Fikret Amirov, Niyazi,
Rashid Behbudov, Muslim Magomayev, and Zeynab Khanlarova became
popular namely during Heydar Aliyev’s ruling in the country and they
glorified Azerbaijan worldwide., the diplomat noted that Heydar
Aliyev is an architect of the contemporary Azerbaijan and the current
mutual relationships between Russia and Azerbaijan. Following its own
political course, Azerbaijan has become a strategic partner of
Russia. Azerbaijan, jointly with Russia, demonstrates its just case
at an international level, the diplomat added.

During the event Murad Adigozlezade, the Azerbaijani honored culture
figure, and winner of many international contests, Elchin Azizov, as
well as Kobzon performed several songs. A photo-exhibition depicting
Heydar Aliyev’s life and activities was organized at the hall of the
University. Books written by Miralimov and Andrianov dedicated to
Heydar Aliyev were distributed amongst the guests.

Attending the celebration party were the Russian and Azerbaijani
public representatives.