Armenian defence minister wants normal relations with Turkey

Armenian defence minister wants normal relations with Turkey

5 Aug 04

Yerevan, 4 August: The secretary of the Security Council under the
Armenian president , Defence Minister Serzh Sarkisyan, is for the
normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations. The minister said this at
a meeting with participants in the All-Armenian youth gathering
Baze-2004 in the resort town of Dilizhan.

The minister stressed there are no Armenian-Turkish diplomatic
relations and ties between the two countries today appear only in the
international foreign policy arena. “My personal opinion is that one
certainly needs normal relations with every neighbour. I support the
resumption of relations with Turkey,” the minister said.

Sarkisyan said that relations should be established in those fields
where Armenia and Turkey could cooperate. “The more normal their
attitude to us, then the more normal our attitude to them, but not
violating norms of national security at the same time,” he said.