Pakistan: Text Of Islamabad Declaration Adopted By OIC Ministers


Associated Press of Pakistan news agency
17 May 07

Islamabad, 17 May: Following is the text of Islamabad Declaration
adopted Thursday [17 May] by the 34th session of the Islamic Conference
of Foreign Ministers held here:

1. We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Heads of Delegation
of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
participating in the Thirty Fourth Session of the Islamic Conference
of Foreign Ministers (Session of Peace, Progress and Harmony),
having met in Islamabad, Pakistan, and considered the issues facing
the Islamic Ummah, declare as follows:

2. We reaffirm our dedication to the noble tenets of our faith that
call for peace, tolerance, justice and human dignity and guide our
pursuit for progress and prosperity of the Ummah and humanity.

3. We reiterate our solemn commitment to the purposes, objectives
and principles of our Organization and recognize that the unity
and solidarity of the Islamic Ummah and effective cooperation and
coordination among the Islamic countries are vital for prosperity
and development of the Ummah.

4. We reaffirm our resolve to realise the vision enshrined in the
Makkah Declaration and the Ten-year Programme of Action by effective

5. We express our determination to continue and speedily finalise the
reform of the Organization of the Islamic Conference including its
restructuring and drawing up a Revised Charter and strengthening its
specialised and affiliated organs to enhance its role to effectively
meet the challenges of the 21st century.

6. We remain committed to the promotion of global peace and security
which can be achieved through just and peaceful resolution of
international disputes and ending situations of foreign occupation.

7. We reiterate our firm resolve to continue relentless efforts for a
just and peaceful settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict. We welcome
the renewal of the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, and the call of
the Riyadh Arab League Summit for the early resumption of the peace
process on the basis of this Initiative.

8. We also welcome all other initiatives for promoting peace with
justice in the Middle East, including the efforts of the President
of Pakistan.

9. We reiterate that the establishment of an independent Palestinian
state with AI-Quds Al Sharif as its capital, liberation of all
occupied Arab territories of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, return
of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons to their
homes and implementation of the Security Council resolutions 242,
338, 1397 and 1515 and General Assembly resolution 194 are vital for
establishment of peace and security in the Middle East.

10. We also call for a just and comprehensive peace between Syria
and Israel based on Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Syrian
Golan Heights since June 1967 in accordance with UN Security Council

11. We emphasize the importance of early restoration of peace and
stability in Iraq. We support the continuing efforts for promoting
national reconciliation among all the Iraqi people, addressing
the causes of violence and terrorism, preserving the inviolability
of Iraq’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity,
accelerating the capacity of the Iraqi security forces, and securing
the earliest possible withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq.

12. We emphasize that the sovereignty, territorial integrity and
independence of Lebanon must be fully respected. We extend full support
to the Government and people of Lebanon in their reconstruction and
rebuilding efforts following the damage caused by Israeli aggression.

13. We reaffirm support to the people of Jammu and Kashmir for
their inalienable right to self-determination in accordance with
the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the aspirations
of the Kashmiri people. We call for respect of the human rights of
the Kashmiri people, and agree to provide all possible political and
diplomatic support to the true representatives of the Kashmiri people
in their struggle against foreign occupation. We hope that the ongoing
composite dialogue between Pakistan and India will lead to a resolution
of the Kashmir dispute and usher in lasting peace in South Asia.

14. We urge the international community to enhance its assistance
to the Government and people of Afghanistan in their efforts towards
peace, security, reconstruction and development.

15. We underscore the need to evolve an energy strategy that responds
to the interests of the Member States.

16. We call for the reduction of tensions and resolution of differences
concerning Iran’s nuclear issue through dialogue. We oppose use of
force, which will further destabilise the region. We recognise Iran’s
right to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and its readiness for
the peaceful resolution of all issues.

17. We reaffirm the inalienable right of the Member States to acquire
and use atomic energy for peaceful purposes, in a non-discriminatory
manner and in accordance with their international legal obligations.

18. We support the efforts for national reconciliation, peace and
lasting stability in the Republic of the Sudan, full respect of the
sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Sudan, and call
upon the international community to further support these efforts
and the reconstruction of the Sudan and meet the humanitarian needs
of its people, including in Darfar.

19. We reiterate our support for the process of settlement of the
Cyprus problem on the basis of political equality of the two parties,
and reaffirm our solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters in
Northern Cyprus. We appeal to the international community, including
the OIC Member States, to take concrete steps in order to put an end
to the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots and to build cooperation in
economic, cultural, scientific, technological and other fields.

20. We strongly condemn the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan
and urge immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of
the Armenian occupying forces from all occupied territories of
Azerbaijan. We call for peaceful resolution of this conflict on
the basis of respect for territorial integrity and inviolability of
internationally recognized borders.

21. We emphasize the importance of maintaining the unity, stability
and territorial integrity of Somalia, We urge OIC Member States to
consider the possibility of providing support and assistance to the
peace keeping forces in Somalia and appeal to all OIC Member States
to support the reconstruction efforts in Somalia, at all levels.

22. We reaffirm our determination to promote our collective security.
We support the proposal to formulate new international consensus to
promote nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation on a universal and
non-discriminatory basis. discriminatory basis.

23. We strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations
committed by whomsoever and wherever, express sympathy to the victims
of terrorism and denounce efforts to link terrorism with any religion,
theology or culture. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen mutual
cooperation in the fight against terrorism through, inter alia,
mutual exchange of information, capacity building assistance and by
addressing the root causes of terrorism such as unresolved conflicts,
continued suppression and marginalization of peoples and denial of the
right of peoples to their self-determination in situations of foreign
occupation. We emphasize the need for greater coordination among OIC
countries in responding to the challenges of terrorism. We support
the establishment of an international centre for counter terrorism.

24. We condemn the growing trend of Islamophobia and systematic
discrimination against the adherents of Islam. We call upon
the international community to prevent incitement to hatred and
discrimination against the Muslims and take effective measures to
combat defamation of religions and acts of negative stereotyping
of people based on religion, belief or ethnicity. We request the
secretary-general to continue the OIC initiatives to effectively
counter Islamophobia through discussions and debates at various
international fora.

25. We commend the concept of Enlightened Moderation to combat
extremism and terrorism, resolve international disputes, conflicts
and injustices affecting Islamic countries and peoples, to promote
tolerance and harmony in accordance with the real values of Islam.

26. We emphasize that inter-civilizational dialogue based on mutual
respect and understanding amongst peoples should be effectively
used for promoting human welfare and progress and for strengthening
international peace and security, tolerance and global harmony.

27. We reaffirm the responsibility of the Islamic world in reviewing
the condition of Muslim communities and minorities in Non-OIC countries
to ensure promotion and protection of their basic rights including
cultural and religious freedom.

28. We express our resolve to vigorously pursue social and economic
development in the Islamic countries through eradication of poverty and
increasing and promoting investment and trade. We will continue working
for establishing a Free Trade Area for greater economic integration in
the Islamic world and in this regard request the Islamic Chamber of
Commerce and Industry to prepare projects to enlarge mutual trade
and investment among the Member States. We call on the Islamic
Development Bank to promote and coordinate significantly enlarged
development cooperation among Member States specially to assist the
less developed OIC countries. We welcome the creation of the OIC $10
billion target Poverty Alleviation Fund for OIC Members States by
the IDB and commit ourselves to contribute to ensure its success.

29. We resolve to intensify efforts to promote education and build
the scientific and technological capacities in the Islamic countries,
inter alia by ensuring non discriminatory access to technology,
promoting research and development in areas of interest to OIC
countries, establishing scientific and technology centres and linkages
between them, as well as utilizing fully the potential of information

30. We emphasize a comprehensive reform of the United Nations
Organization to respond to the challenges feeing the humanity. We
reaffirm our principled position that any reform of the Security
Council should make it more democratic, representative and transparent
and must ensure adequate representation of the OIC member states in
any category of the expanded Security Council.

31. We express our deep appreciation for the dynamism of the Secretary
General H.E. Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu in defending and promoting
Muslim causes.