Museums Of Armenia Still Have Numerous Problems


Noyan Tapan
May 19 2007

YEREVAN, MAY 19, NOYAN TAPAN. The museums of Armenia also join the
Museum Night action organized already for the third time on the
initiative of Directors of the museums of France. Paravon Mirzoyan,
the Director of the National Gallery of Armenia stated about it at
the meeting taken place in Urbat club. In his words, this country
having the richest European cultural traditions has a goal to unite
by this action all the museums of the world presenting one night to
exclusively one night: all the museums joined the action were open
during the whole night of May 19: cultural events of different types,
national traditional ritual performances, concerts, film shows will
be organized.

As P. Mirzoyan mentioned, galleries and museums present the country
face. In his words, tourists’ first impressions about this or that
country are formed just from museums.

In P. Mirzoyan’s words, museums need constant care, state assistance:
"According to my estimation, the state of our museums has already
improved at some extent, and I hope that care towards them will more
increase soon."

Karine Rafayelian, the manager of the D. Demirchian House-Museum,
who was present at the meeting, mentioned that though their museum
was a branch of the Charents Museum of Literature and Art, but also
needs assistance. To recap, the 30th anniversary of the foundation
of the house-museum and the 130th anniversary of D. Demirchian is
marked this year.

"We prepare for this jubilee year with our own forces: we staged the
Vardanank work with schoolchildren, and a conference dedicated to the
writer’s creative heritage will also be organized later. The museum
displays have not been changed since 1977, and we are not able to
organize a new show," K. Rafayelian emphasized.