Baroness Cox Honored by Scouts at St. Gregory Diocesan Cathedral

Armenian General Benevolent Union Inc.
Rita Kuyumjian MD
805, Manoogian street
Ville St-Laurent, QC H4N 1Z5
Tel: 514-748-2428
Fax: 514-748-6307
E-mail: [email protected]

Montreal, May 18, 2007 – Baroness Caroline Cox arrived this evening to St.
Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Montreal to the thunderous drums of the
AGBU Montreal Scouts’ marching band.  Beavers, cubs, scouts and venturers
were in uniform to greet her and salute her dedication to serve others.  At
the doorstep of the cathedral she was greeted by The Primate of the Armenian
Diocese of Canada, His Grace Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan and his entourage.

After the formal entrance into the cathedral, the hundreds of the faithful
present were enthralled by a moving concert of spiritual and folkloric songs
performed by the wonderful Komitas Choir of the cathedral under the
leadership of the talented choirmaster Maestro Varoujan Markarian.

In his welcoming words, Bishop Bagrat greeted the Baroness and said, `You
might be only a baroness in Great Britain, but in the heart of every
Armenian you will always be a queen’.  He subsequently presented her with a
hand carved glass khatchkar by Montreal artist Yeghia Bekmezjian.

Afterwards, everyone moved to the official reception in the Mary Manoogian
Hall of the cathedral.  The MC of the evening, the president of the parish
council, Mr. Levon Afeyan introduced the Baroness who then took the stage. 
She addressed the crowd, and specifically the young members of the scouting
movement with a passionate speech, she recounted her memories of girl
guiding, of her parents and their memories of Lord Baden Powell himself, the
founder of scouting, who was a friend of her father.  She also told stories
of young boys and girls in Artsakh and how they courageously faced the most
difficult hardships during times of war and destruction.  At the end of her
speech, she gave to the AGBU scouts a personal gift, an important historical
archival wedding photograph of her parents, who had chosen to get married in
a chapel in the basement of the humble scouting quarters in East London, in
the presence of Lord Baden Powell.

She was followed by the president of the AGBU Scouts’ Council Ms. Aline
Egoyan-Pederian who gave an emotional speech about the high personal
leadership example that the Baroness Cox has given to all the youth
present.  She then declared the Baroness an honorary member of the worldwide
AGBU scouting movement.  Subsequently, Ms. Sossie Nahabedian-Rezian, Group
Leader, gave the Baroness her honorary neckerchief with the AGBU badge, and
with a silver hand carved woggle by the Montreal artisan jeweler Setrag

Then, in recognition of her inspirational role for youth, and for her long
service with the Girl Guides of the UK, the official delegation of the SMM,
of the Association of Scouts of Canada in the person of Mr. Paul Saint
Jacques, the chairman of its board of directors, and Mr. Guy Gauthier, its
vice chairman, presented the Baroness Caroline Cox of Queensbury with the
highest designation of a Knight of the Scouting Honorary Society, and
decorated her with her medal. `My father would have been very proud of me’,
said Lady Cox.

The event concluded with a special song dedicated to the children of
Artsakh, performed by members of the AGBU scouting movement.  Books by and
about the Baroness were on sale and were autographed by her, with all
proceeds going to the Nor Jraberd project.

For further information, please contact the email address
[email protected]. or [email protected], or [email protected]
 Information can also be found at the NKR Nor Jraberd website
, the AGBU website or the Armenian
Diocese at