Observers And Prime Minister Satisfied With Elections

22:21 22/05/2007

The Prime-minister of Armenia Serge Sargsyan received the delegation of
International election observation mission headed by Ambassador Boris
Frlec. The head of delegation noted that the observation mission has
already published the preliminary statement on the May 12 parliamentary
elections and now works at the concluding document.

According to Frlec, the document will include detailed observation
results including shortcomings marked and suggestions on their
elimination. "With this elections Armenia set a new standard for the
forthcoming elections. That was a firm step to progress. Step by step
it makes the progress irreversible", – Boris Frlec said in course of
the meeting with Armenian Prime-minister.

In Ambassador’s opinion, the Republican party holding the parliamentary
majority can play an important role and support some amendments of
Electoral code, if necessary. Prime-minister Sargsyan in his turn
expressed gratitude "for the unbiased and impartial judgment". He also
noticed that Armenian authorities and parliamentary major Republican
party, though being essentially satisfied with electoral process and
results, still think there are things to be done to hold elections
entirely complying with the international standards.

"We always say we wish the parliamentary elections in Armenia to be
the best elections, but it’s risky to claim they will be in absolute
accordance with international standards as we understand that
it’s a process and it’s not that easy to overcome all the existing
difficulties at once. I think we got an important goal with this
elections, setting a new standard for the upcoming presidential
elections", – Serge Sargsyan said.

Answering Mr. Frlec’s question concerning the Republican’s plans of
cooperation with other political forces the Prime-minister once again
confirmed the repeatedly stated position of the party to maximally
involve the parliamentary and non-parliamentary forces both in
National Assembly and Governmental processes in order to form a more
trustworthy government.