Skinhead Is Not A Killer; Skinhead Is A Patriot, Isn’t He?


31.05.2007 GMT+04:00

By March 2007, 539 cases of similar attacks have been registered,
among which 54 with deadly outcomes.

The circuit court of Moscow has justified Roman Polusnyak; the
murderer of the 19 year-old Arthur Sardaryan. 10 out of 12 members
of the jury found the murderer not guilty, in spite of the evidence
brought by two witnesses, who identified the murderer. Arthur Sardaryan
was killed on May 25, 2006 on train near the Klyazma station. Two
skinheads attacked Arthur from his back and shouting "Viva Russia"
struck him 6 blows on his thorax.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The decision of the circuit court of Moscow speaks
for the policy carried out against the "foreigners", which gives more
and more bases for similar crimes to be committed not only in large
cities, but in smaller and remote places too. It should be mentioned
that the Russian Nation has always been very conservative towards the
"others". And they have never liked them, but recently the number of
the xenophobes and the nationalists in Russia has increased greatly,
and most of those suffering from xenophobia are young people. The
murders are committed by young people, who unfortunately do not regret
for the committed, and vise versa, even may boast about it. For
instance the 18 year-old Arthur Rino together with his friend 18
year-old Pavel Skachevski killed dozens of people. The teenager told
in details how he killed and "cleaned up the city" from the foreigners
and said that at first no one believed his words in the police station,
but later on some of his evidences proved to be truthful. If the proves
of all the other crimes are found as well, this case will undoubtedly
give rise to a storm in the society as in this case the question is
not in a single murder of a representative of a national minority,
but of a series of murders. Since August 2006 Rino killed 37 people,
20 of which he did together with his friend Skachevski.

By March 2007, 539 cases of similar attacks have been registered,
among which 54 with deadly outcomes. These crimes do not include the
crimes committed against the homeless, even if the skinhead attacks
are officially given publicity to by the representatives of the law
enforcement officers. The victims of the mass fights aren’t included
here either, as it’s not possible to fix their exact number.

The violations of the organized skinhead groupings start to carry
a more demonstrative character, which is expressed in different
ways. Before it was basically expressed through recognizing the
responsibility for violent activities, but now the organized attacks
become more common, especially those dedicated to some certain event
(excluding the traditional "celebration" of the skinheads dedicated
to Hitler’s birthday, April 20, which was fixed long ago). This
is particularly typical of St. Petersburg, where a rather big and
well-organized skinhead grouping is sheltered, and the attack on the
9 year-old Lillian Sisocco, which was made right after the trial on
the murder of another 9 year-old girl was over speak for the above
mentioned. Yet this tendency is gradually moving to some other cities
and firstly to Moscow. The attackers may show they are not afraid to be
caught so many murders are committed at daytime in crowded places just
like the case with Vigen Abramyants, who was killed on the platform of
the metro station "Pushkinskaya" on April 22, 2006. Crimes committed
on racial grounds become more common. The case with Alexander Koptsev,
who organized a slaughter on January 11, 2006 in a synagogue in Moscow
in the result of which 9 people were injured, is not the only one.

According to the official statistics of 2005, 50% of Russians are for
setting limits on the number of the people of Caucasian origins. 46%
of Russians think that they live in poorer condition than the
representatives of other nationalities. 37% agreed with the idea,
that "in Russia many troubles are caused by the representatives of
others nationalities mainly".

"PanARMENIAN.Net" analytical department