"Armentel" Offers New Tariffs

By Ara Martirosian

AZG Armenian Daily

Economy, Communications

On June 1 "Armentel" tendered an offer of re-balanced tariffs
of fixed telephone connection to the Public Services Regulatory
Commission. The latter will discuss the tender in 90 days period and
make a decision. General director of "Armentel" Oleg Briznyuk said
that "Armentel" might make its offer related to the re-balancing of
fixed telephone connection tariffs according to the requirements of
the acting license.

The tariffs will be based on the cost price. "There are tariffs that
will reduce by 5-6 times, others will rise or stay unchangeable. The
changes in "Armentel" tariffs will not make a transposition in prices
and there won’t be "an outburst in the market", said Oleg Briznyuk. He
also expressed his opinion on the new tariffs, which would not
virtually affect on the profit of the company. He also assured that
the same tariffs in Russia were much more higher than in Armenia.

The new tariffs have been published in the press, also in "Azg"
daily. Particularly, the international call prices will come down,
i.e. per minute tariff of telephone call to Russia will cost 90 AMD
instead of 140-192 AMD, to USA 90 AMD instead of 344 AMD, to Europe
from 90 to 344 AMD instead of the acting 344 AMD per minute tariff.

The local call costs will stay unchangeable: 360 minutes free of cost
call, 5 AMD per minute tariff from the 361st minute, and 9 AMD per
minute tariff from the 1001st minute.

Instead of these the subscribers’ payment will rise to 2040 AMD
for the resident subscribers, and to 4800 AMD for the business
subscribers instead of 1100 AMD. The abovementioned tariffs include
also value-added tax (VAT).