NKR: Everything Is Done Wholeheartedly

Susanna Balayan

Azat Artsakh Daily, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]
04 June 07

Every year the Rehabilitation Center of Stepanakert celebrates June 1
with singing, dancing, performances, clowns, cakes and ice cream. This
year June 1 was double holiday because the children’s health center
was dedicated.

President Arkady Ghukasian, Speaker Ashot Ghulian, Prime Minister
Anushavan Danielian, Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Danielian, the
head of the National Security Service Bako Sahakian were present in
the ceremony. The center was set up in September 1998 by the vice
speaker of the British House of Lords Caroline Cox. Vardan Tadevosian,
therapist and professor, was invited from Yerevan by Lady Cox to
be the head of the center. Thanks to her and other benefactors
the facilities of the center are improving every year, it got
new equipment, classrooms, studios, playground, furniture, musical
equipment. In 2002 the center was transferred to the NKR Ministry of
Health, in 2005 it was renamed after Caroline Cox who helps people
with disabilities in NKR. Since its establishment the center has
provided in-patient treatment to 579 and out-patient treatment to
279, visited 514 patients at homes. The psychologist has provided
services to 780 people. "Everything here is done wholeheartedly,"
NKR President Ghukasian said in his address. "The NKR government will
continue to support all the programs implemented by the center, like
the establishment of the children’s center," he said. Vardan Tadevosian
said the center was set up to treat children with disabilities until
age 6 and help them integrate with healthy children or children with
limited abilities. The center includes a nursery school where besides
children with disabilities the children of the personnel of the center
will attend. The nursery school has equipment and specialists for
treatment of children with disabilities.